Thank you! You all did so much for Kind Words! The playtest and the demo are over. We are definitely sad to kick everybody out of Kind Words 2 for a bit. But the life you all breathed in to it is just what we needed to guide our final development push. For [i]years[/i] we've been working on these features with only our imaginations filling in how they would actually be used. We now we have heaps of real player messages of all kinds. It's time for us to digest it and make sure we're making the most of all your kind and creative energies. Here's some amazing numbers generated by you 6,000+ playtesters: [list] [*] 3,951 cat names! [*] 7,393 in-game feedback submissions! [*] 18,740 conversations! [*] 22,611 chain forest entries! [/list] (Also, 600 new []discord[/url] members!) I could say a lot more, but now we have to dive in and tweak and tune to get ready to have you all back... this fall. Yours, Ziba & Luigi [url=][img][/img][/url]