Have you ever wondered how your bomb defusal times compare to the rest of the world’s? Now you can find out – Steam Leaderboards are now available in Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes! [img]http://cdn.akamai.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/10333964/e158cb59d41671e0e3896018b0db85fa6cac4ab1.png[/img] You can view a leaderboard when you’re online by opening the Bombs Binder to any mission that you have successfully defused. Your rank will be shown relative to all other players as a percent. A rank of “Top 5%” means that only 5% of players have managed to achieve a time as great as yours. If you’re only in the top 95%, that means you have lots of room for improvement! The Steam Leaderboards for all built-in missions can also be found in the [url=steamcommunity.com/stats/341800/leaderboards]Steam Community here[/url]. You will need to launch the game with this update before your scores will be visible. Leaderboards for Steam Workshop mission packs can only be viewed in game. Happy defusing! [h1]Version 1.4.1 Update Notes:[/h1] [list] [*]Added Leaderboards [*]Improved selection volumes for motion controls [*]Automatically return dropped items to their start positions after 5 seconds [/list]