1.8.3 Patch Notes
Author: Steel Crate Games,
published 5 years ago,
Hi everybody!
We just pushed a small update to address an issue with Steam VR controllers, plus a few fixes for mods:
[*]Fix issue where one Steam VR controller would not work correctly
[*]Fix missing halo shaders used by some mods
[*]Fix mod custom holdable positions when switching control types
[*]Fix positioning of items on desk in Linux and OSX
[*]Fix placeholder loading message being visible in the mod loading screen
[*]Fix title screen music volume not respecting player settings
[*]Fix issue where some mod images did not render in the browser
[*]Fix an issue where mouse controls would not work until window was re-focused
[*]Change log message at round start to show localized mission name for modders
- The Steel Crate Team