[img]https://nxcache.nexon.net/cms/2021/q4/1653/post-header-1020x200-en.jpg[/img] Hello Racers! We are excited to announce three livestreams coming up for KartRider: Drift Closed Beta 3! Join CM Wompala for some racing fun on[b] December 8, December 10 and December 13 at [/b][b]5PM PST[/b] each dayon any of the platforms listed below. Be sure to hop in the [url=https://discord.gg/kartriderdrift]Discord [/url]“#cb3-livestream-custom-race-sign-up” channel for a chance to join CM Wompala for custom races during these livestreams!  KartRider: Drift Closed Beta 3 livestreams will be available on the following platforms: [list][*] [url=https://twitch.tv/kartriderdrift]Twitch[/url] [/*][*] [url=https://www.youtube.com/kartriderdrift]YouTube[/url] [/*][*] [url=https://twitter.com/kartriderdrift]Twitter[/url] [/*][*] [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1184140]Steam[/url] [/*][*] [url=https://facebook.com/kartriderdrift]Facebook[/url] [/*][/list]