[h1]Demo release: May 31st[/h1] My lords! My ladies and esteemed guests gathered within these hallowed digital halls, lend me your ears! For I bring tidings of great import, a proclamation that shall echo through the annals of time! Behold, on the eve of the thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord twenty-four, a spectacle unlike any other shall grace the realm of gaming. A demo, a mere taste of the grandeur that awaits, shall be unveiled for all to behold. Get ready for the ultimate showdown! Mark this day in your calendars, as it will herald the beginning of intense tournaments. Knights will clash in glorious combat upon the field of honor. The jousts will commence, lance against lance, shield against shield, as brave warriors vie for victory. Spread the word, rally your companions, for the hour of reckoning approaches. May your courage be as steadfast as steel, and victory be your noble steed upon which you ride forth into glory!