Greetings, [b]Gatekeepers[/b]! Version [b][/b] is now available for download. [b]Fixed:[/b] Keeper's Mines could play the death particle and sound multiple times upon being killed. [b]Fixed:[/b] Softlock sometimes occurred when activating Quorium. [b]Fixed:[/b] Using certain skills during Quorium activation left projectiles from those skills in the gatekeeper's hands. [b]Fixed:[/b] The Prince could randomly stop attacking and just stand still. [b]Changed:[/b] The base health level of Mediator increased to 120. [b]Changed:[/b] Increased priority of Sirens in navigation on the navmesh. Other enemies now try to stay away from Sirens. [b]Changed:[/b] Enemy health and damage scaling values were slightly decreased. [i]Also, a large number of minor errors cluttering the logs have been fixed.[/i] We are very grateful for your feedback. [b]Don't forget to update the game before playing multiplayer.[/b] [i]Gravity Lagoon[/i]