Greetings Gatekeepers! Version [b][/b] is now available for download. [b]Fixed:[/b] Forge UI couldn't be closed after being opened twice. [b]Fixed:[/b] After dying in the arena, clients were unable to use skills. [b]Fixed:[/b] After transitioning to the next location, other players' gatekeepers could appear without animation. [b]Fixed:[/b] If you die with the Forge UI open, it would carry over to the main menu. [b]Fixed:[/b] Connection breakdown to the lobby from the lobby browser (UI disappearing). [b]Fixed:[/b] Incorrect display of nicknames in the lobby chat. [b]Fixed:[/b] Inability to obtain the "Unstoppable" achievement in some cases. [b]Fixed:[/b] Breakdown of Lucid Ethel when the Mediator transitions to Ghostwalk mode. [b]Changed:[/b] Minor adjustments to the health of the Doomed enemy. Additionally, the Doomed will now appear more frequently. [b]Changed:[/b] More efficient Edge Detection method. We are very grateful for your feedback. [b]Don't forget to update to play multiplayer.[/b] [i]Gravity Lagoon[/i]