Hey folks! This patch fixes various issues reported by the community. - now when all gadget slots are full, the throwing knife will no longer say "no free gadget slots", and will instead attempt to swap with a gadget the player currently has - slightly increased subsonic ammo damage for 5.56x45MM and 7.62x51MM - the AN-94 now starts firing in full-auto with a two-shot burst mode on the first trigger pull - fixed the ammo selection UI not closing when opening the in-game pause menu, which could lead to crashes and visual glitches - fixed PKC-EMP displaying that it's loud (it's not) - fixed goons being freaked out by turning off lamps that are currently disrupted - fixed mod blueprints not being counted in the "money found" level results panel - fixed unique weapon pickups not granting an extra savefile if the player picked up a unique weapon, and then reset to last save point (not loaded a savefile) - fixed incorrect height value on the throwing knife when thrown - fixed the throwing knife colliding with burning barrels and floor lamps - russian localization tweaks Remember to [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2608270/discussions/0/6194224571374761956/]report any issues you run into![/url] Thanks for reading, hope you're enjoying the game! [h3]Social media[/h3] [url=https://twitter.com/spnidelman]Twitter[/url] [url=https://discord.gg/YwyKAJmmnz]Discord community[/url] [url=https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9ZoLtDdKLN8--j2UOFmLXQ]YouTube[/url]