[img]https://i.imgur.com/uyz1Anf.jpg[/img] Dear Community, (Original Post: http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/8705-weekend-event/) Welcome to 2020! Are you ready for a brand new weekend event?!    For this weekend event we'll have it live the following period of time:   [u][u][b]START:[/b][/u][u][b] January 10, 2020 12:00 PM (CET)[/b][/u][/u] [u][u][b]END:[/b][/u][u][b] January 13, 2020 12:00 PM (CET)[/b][/u][/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/liZCCzt.jpg[/img] Now, let's jump into further details about this weekend's weekend event: [list] [*] [u][b]West Oaks PVP Madness (PVP)[/b][/u] West Oaks is back for this weekend event only! Next to bringing the map temporary back we enabled the no spread feature. Ready to snipe people with assault rifles? Good luck!   [/*] [*] [u][b]Super Zombie Loot Upgrade (OW + SURV)[/b][/u] In both the Open World and the Survival game-mode loot from the Super Zombies is upgraded. This means they are spawning better items, and the chances on rare items have been increased. Also, chances on common items have been decreased. This goes for all super zombies in all maps.   [/*] [*] [u][b]Double Crystal Spawn Chance (OW + SURV)[/b][/u] Drop chances for the Sapphire and Emerald Crystal(s) have been doubled. This means they are a lot more common and easier to find! For those who are unaware of these crystals: they are a part of the Winter 2019 event and when collected enough can be upgraded into a unique staff. This can only be done during the Winter 2019 event. For more info about these items go to: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/8542-winter-2019/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/8542-winter-2019/[/url]   [/*] [*] [u][b]Battle Royale Double Skinbox Reward (BR)[/b][/u] Skin boxes gained in the Battle Royale game-mode (when winning) will be doubled. This means you will win 2 Battle Royale skinboxes instead of one. Enjoy!   [/*][/list] [list] [*][u][b][u]ROUTINE:[/u] Battle Royale Map Rotation[/b][/u] As always, the main and only Battle Royale map will be changed. This time we are changing over from Tropico to Arizona V2. N[u]ote: We change the map rotation in the Battle Royale game-mode every week due to the low(er) amount of players playing Battle Royale. If you have any suggestions, ideas or feedback please let us know at [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5388-maps-battle-royale/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5388-maps-battle-royale/[/url][/u] [*][u][b][u]MARKETPLACE SALE: [/u]Ultimate Skinbox 35% DISCOUNT + Some Ultimate skins available![/b][/u] This week we are doing a sale on the Ultimate skinbox and some of the UItimate skin recipes are available as well! [u]Note: This sale is a weekly one so has already started before the weekend event and will not have the same start-end times as the weekend event.[/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/C24Jl8l.jpg[/img] [/list]   Please let us know what you think of this weekend event so that we can use that feedback in the future for new weekend events! If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to share that as well as we might be able to use your idea for upcoming weekend events! NEW! Feedback thread for weekend event(s). Have anything to share, any ideas, feedback or complaints about the weekend event(s)? Let us know at: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/8532-feedback-weekend-event/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/8532-feedback-weekend-event/[/url]   If you experience any type of issue(s) with the game please contact us through social media or create a support ticket at[url=https://playnewz.com/support.php/]https://playnewz.com/support.php/[/url] For any feedback about the game or this patch please let us know at [url=http://playnewz.com/feedback]http://playnewz.com/feedback[/url] If you'd like to share suggestions and ideas you have for the game please let us know at: [url=https://suggest.playnewz.com/]https://suggest.playnewz.com/[/url] To stay updated regarding the patch and server downtime please follow us on our social media: [b]Facebook:[/b] [url=https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/]https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/[/url] [b]Twitter:[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/infestationnewz]https://twitter.com/infestationnewz[/url] [b]Discord: [/b][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/thenewz]https://discordapp.com/invite/thenewz[/url] [b]Youtube: [/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/c/InfestationTheNewZOfficial]http://www.youtube.com/c/InfestationTheNewZOfficial[/url] Have a nice weekend!   // The New Z - Staff Team