[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/26931738/147e6ff537fef963ad87dcebaa75763827e2b4b5.jpg[/img] Dear Players,   TWITCH DROPS ARE EVERY 1 HOUR AGAIN! 😎 We have listened to your feedback and reverted back. We have also updated the content! Now; 2 new skins are added (Karambit & Adventure Backpack) AND new / more items are added to the box! Note: you can always see the content of the box LIVE at any time by going to the in-game marketplace, select the community box and click on "see content". 📌 For more information about the drops go to: [url=https://playnewz.com/drops.php]https://playnewz.com/drops.php[/url] 📌 Watch your favorite New Z streamers here: (every hour you get a box) [url=https://playnewz.com/twitch]https://playnewz.com/twitch[/url] (Make sure the stream you are watching has drops enabled!)   Best Regards,   Sven