Dear players, Based on the feedback after the patch earlier today we've decided to write this post and let everyone know what's going on. As you all by now know is that everyone's bandage DX has been exchanged for game dollars in the patch earlier today. Based on feedback from our community we've came to the conclusion that the exchange rate was too low. (old exchange rate was 40 $GD per bandage DX). Because of this we have planned a second bandage DX exchange for a higher rate. We have reconsidered the value of GD (game dollars) for a bandage DX and also based on feedback from the community we've highered the exchange rate. Based on all the feedback our players have been giving (Facebook, Discord, Twitter, Streams & more) about a different exchange rate we have set a new exchange rate. We believe this new exchange rate is much more fair and is exactly the right market value that the bandage DX was worth before this update. We totally agree on the fact that the exchange rate: 1 bandage DX for 40$ GD (game dollars) was NOT the right exchange rate. We still think that this exchange HAD to happen because of the game's future. We would like to explain WHY the exchange happened in more detail further in this announcement. The 'follow up' bandage DX exchange will take place at: [b]Wednesday, January 18, 10:00 AM (CET)[/b] We will post on Twitter as soon as the full exchange is done. Please note the following: [list] [*]The 'new' exchange rate will be done from our old database backup (the one we made after the servers went down for the patch). [*]There will be no 'rollback' or other kinds of wipes. This will not affect anything in the game. The result is very simple: Tomorrow morning you will just have more game dollars on your account! (If you had over 10.000 DX earlier of course) [*]Just see it as "us going back in time and change the 40 GD exchange to a higher amount". (Basically we are saying that it's nothing confusing and no players can abuse this.) [/list] [h1]Why did this exchange even happen?[/h1] We will do our best to explain (once again) why this exchange had to happen. We would like to make clear that every decision we make is for the sake of the game's future and that we want best for the game and it's community. Here's all the reasons that all together made us decide to WHY we have done the bandage DX exchange: [list] [*]Bandage DX are a healing item and not a currency; we want blue money (game dollars) to be the main trading currency of the game. [*]Adding weight back makes the game more realistic also in new player's eyes: every item in-game has weight so why doesn't have the bandage DX weight. [*]Because of the fact that bandage DX had 0 weight, possible duping was easier. This we can now avoid. [*]It's confusing for new players that there is millions of DX in the game; no one knows where they game from / how to get them / etc. [*]Having blue money (game dollars) as main currency is better for everyone in the end. [*]The huge amount of DX's is causing the game to crash / freeze / be slow for a lot of players. (The game is simply not made so players having so high amount of DX's) [/list] [h1]How does this affect traders / the trade market?[/h1] We think, but also because we were forced to, that this idea; the bandage DX exchange is a good thing for our game for a lot of reasons. To make players understand in their eye point how this would practically affect them we have some examples: [list] [*]The rich stay rich. Technically nothing changes - the people that had a lot of DX now have a lot of game dollars. [*]Game dollars can be spent in the in-game market - DX can't. Players could now use their game dollars to buy skins they want for example. [*]Game dollars don't have weight and aren't an actual item - you don't have to worry about dieing with the game dollars or you don't have any limit on how much to put inside your backpack. [*]The change also fixes the problem of people disconnecting / crashing because they have a too high number of DX in their backpack. DX could potentially be duped / game dollars can't. - We are not saying there's any dupes and we are on this 24/7 but, game dollars is just more secure. [*]Game dollars are trackable - if you get hacked and someone transfers all your game dollars to another account we can see this, with DX we can't / couldn't. [*]The bandage DX exchange for game dollars will happen as soon as the servers are down for this patch. [/list] The market "shift" will be good for everyone in many ways. You are now not 'stuck' with millions of DXs that you can't use for anything besides trading. You can buy ammo, medication, shields, etc... on the marketplace with the game dollars that you receive in the exchange. This will also favor those players who dedicated more time in looting to become rich rather than spending money to become rich. Instead of going to the 'black market' to purchase DXs, they will spend their time and effort on looting to get more GD, which will be much more rewarding. Everything you buy in Lounge and on Discord was by DXs, right? So you would think that the conversion would mean you wouldn't be able to buy that skin you've been looking for for a while anymore because you have only 10,000 DXs. How in hell are you going to buy items now?! It's simple! You just buy/sell for Game Dollars! It's that simple. People have more GD and are more interested in GD than before because DXs are now back to being a PvP item (like shields and medkits, for instance) + a bandage DX having weight makes a lot more reaslistic sence. What we did was completely different from a WIPE. We did a conversion of values to make it fair for everyone - old and new players alike. You see, when we converted the DXs into GD, we did not take anything from anyone... The people who had the most DXs are most likely the people who now have the most GD. So if you were 'rich', you will still be rich. See you all tomorrow morning at the second 'follow up' exchange! // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team