Dear Community, (Original Post:  After releasing the first Season Pass ever for Infestation: The New Z we have received A LOT of feedback. We proudly present to you: Season Pass 02. We have made this Season Pass based on all of your feedback and aim to have this fit more to New Z and it's player base. The most important criteria point that we have used your feedback on is the [b]price[/b]. Although in Season Pass 01 you'd get "what you pay for" back in terms of skin boxes and GC, it was still set to a very high base price for a lot of players. For some even to an unaffordable level. Season Pass 02 is a lot cheaper and set to a base price of 1500 GC. That is 3500 GC cheaper than the price of Season Pass 01! Next to all of this in Season Pass 02 players can get up to 500 GC back by completing the pass. This GC you can get back is extra next to all the normal rewards including skinboxes, unique skin recipes, sprays and more! Next to the price you guys have complained about the [b]duration[/b]. Season Pass 01 did indeed have a relative short period of time that players had to complete the pass. This was set to about a month. (even less) For Season Pass 02 we have increased the duration to 2 months+. We think this should give you all enough time to complete the Season Pass. To not over complicate things we have left the levels and XP needed to reach them the same, just so we can process the feedback in two segments. Price and duration were the most important so this is what we have focused on. Season Pass 02 has been released and enabled at this moment and will end: [b]29 February, 2020 at 12:00 PM (CET).[/b] [b]Wondering what's in it for you before purchasing the pass?[/b] In the main menu there is a button called "Season Pass" where you can preview the Season Pass's content before purchasing the pass. Remember, XP progress on the pass only starts counting [b]after [/b]you purchase the pass.   [img][/img]   Have any further feedback about the Season Pass? Let us know in this dedicated feedback section: [url=][/url]   Thank you for your support!   Best Regards,   // The New Z - Staff Team