Dear players, We would like to inform you all regarding the current status of our servers. First of all we have never expected such a crazy amount of new players coming to our game with the Steam release. We are really excited and happy seeing this happening but unfortunately since our Steam release we've encountered some server problems. Since the problems started happening yesterday we have started investigating and testing new systems to eventually fix all server problems. As I speak we are still working on this and we actually have found some possible things that are causing the problems. We just want to let you guys know that we are doing everything we can to fix the server problems as soon as possible so that you all can play without any problems. Your support the past days has been truly amazing and we ask all of our players for understanding and patience as we are improving our systems. With this said one of the reasons our server problems started happening is because of the huge sudden demand of private servers. We are right now working on a fix, but it will most likely require a temporary shutdown of all our private servers for around one hour. Of course we will compensate all the lost time of the private server downtime - we will add the time lost. [h1]LATEST NEWS:[/h1] [list] [*]Private servers are temporary shutting down for around 1 hour. We WILL add 1 hour extra to all the private servers. We are also updating our server infrastructure so it can hold more private servers (upgrade). For players wondering what this has to do with the official servers, private servers DO AFFECT everything else to have problems since there is a huge demand. [/list] Again, your support has been truly amazing and we ask you guys for patience and understanding. Best regards, // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team