Dear Players, (Original Post: We would like to announce our sixth official live-stream Q&A where we allow our community to ask us anything they want about the game. Want to ask us something? This is your moment! Our project manager / developer Sven will be doing the live Q&A together with our community manager; Luan (ElChupaCabra). Want to know more? Make sure tomorrow to tune in! Below you can find the exact details:   [list] [*] [b]Live-Stream starts: February 20, 2018, 16:00 (CET)[/b] [/*] [*] [b]Live-Stream location: [url=][/url][/b] [/*][/list]   Even if you don't have any questions, which we are sure of you'll have, just come swing by to say hi! Feel also free to already ask some questions in reply to this thread as we will be discussing those as well tomorrow in the live stream.   Best Regards,   // The New Z - Staff Team   [img][/img]