Dear Players, The long awaited moment is finally there! Survival is ready. After a lot of testing, patching, beta testing we are finally done with the first version of our new game-mode: survival. Are you ready?! First of all we want to thank everyone for participating in the beta testing for survival. You guys saved us a lot of times and came up with a lot of good feedback. We are rewarding everyone who participated in the beta testing period with a special gift. Read more about that below. Now, before we jump into the patch notes we would like to ask you to read the following: [h1] / YouTube Event:[/h1] To promote the release of the new game-mode: survival we are doing a 2-3 week event where streamers and YouTubers can help us promote the new game-mode and in return get awesome rewards like free GC, Airdrops or even a streamer tag permanently in-game. For more information please go to: Now, let's get into the patch notes: [h1]Overall Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Backpack slots / weight changes done last patch have been reverted. [*]Survival will use different backpack statistics now. Thanks everyone for the feedback we hope everything related to the backpacks / slots / weight is fine again now. Also due this change backpack skins will NOT work on survival permanently. [*]The ranking system has been added back to open world. Added new informative loading screens. We will keep doing this more frequently. [*]Players who played the new game-mode: survival during the beta testing will receive a new custom skin: "Kruger Rifle Survival". Why a kruger rifle? - We wanted a skin for something unique - funny - and a common item in survival. Thanks to everyone who helped us testing in the beta! [*]Fixed a crash related to equipping a tactical sniper scope to a SVD. [*]Fixed a bug with operating your Open World Global Inventory. [*]Fixed some crashes related to some players having huge Global Inventories. [*]Fixed a bug causing "Disconnected From Server" when using a melee. [*]Fixed an issue regarding reloading / unloading clip not stacking sometimes. [*]Fixed a bug that characters couldn't be rotated after creation. [*]Putting the game on potato quality will now force SSAO and Anti-aliasing off. [*]People weren't aware that these settings affected FPS and performance so much. Now these settings automatically get adjusted in case people forget. [/list] [h1]Skin Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Added the P90 Trigon Wave to the Normal Skinbox. [*]Added the Blaser Army Black to the Premium Skinbox. [*]Added the Blaser Hollandia to the World Skinbox. [*]Added a new skin: "Kruger Rifle Survival". This skin is ONLY given to ALL players that played the survival beta. [*]Fixed the Blaser Army Black recipe icon. [/list] [h1]Item Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed the Riot Shield P4sC4L store icon. This Riot Shield will be added back to the in-game marketplace after this patch. [*]Fixed the Riot Shield China description. [*]Fixed the M9 Helmet Black Goggles item name. [*]Fixed the Uncle Sam's Hat Red protection. [/list] [h1]Building Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a problem with some buildings where a fence wasn't visible from two sides. [/list] [h1]New Leaderboards:[/h1] With survival being released this patch we have finally reworked the leaderboards in the main menu. There's now independent leaderboards for each game-mode meaning survival will have it's own unique leaderboard. This also means that for the new game-mode, everyone will start from an entirely wiped / clear leaderboard. Isn't that awesome? Battle Royale leaderboard for now, only contains wins. [h1]Survival Updates:[/h1] We're finally here. The release of our third game-mode: survival. This is a moment a big part of our community has been waiting for since the Steam release. We've seen so much hype, demand, questions, and discussions about this new game-mode. We are very excited to finally be able to release survival and even play it ourselves! For survival we have independent patch notes since this is an independent game-mode: [b]RELEASE NOTES:[/b] [list] [*]On the official release of survival we will have 10 official servers in each region. For the beta release 10 servers were too much but now with the official release, since premium and normal players can play now, we expect way more people to come. In case servers start to become too full we can always restart and add more. [*]Favorites and Recent added to survival. Players can now use these two buttons for the new game-mode properly. [*]EVERYONE's statistics including player's global inventories WILL BE WIPED (ONLY SURVIVAL GLOBAL INVENTORIES) for the official release. On the official release (after this patch) everyone will start from 0. There will NEVER be a wipe again after this moment. [/list] [b]MAP:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed the streets in Frosty Pines and Greenwood Springs, they had grass on it with broken physics. [*]Fixed the re-spawn timer of the super zombie in camp splinter. Super zombies should never spawn back instantly. [*]Fixed the global ambient sounds. Re-added the 'old WarZ' ambient sounds back. These should work properly now. [*]Fixed the re-spawn timer of zombies and super zombies. This is done on multiple locations around the whole map. [*]Fixed the loot tables of super zombies. Also updated the loot for them. (Check 'Loot' section of these notes) [*]Fixed a shadow problem when having NVG's turned on. (Check 'Game Play' section of these notes) [*]Fixed some flying objects around Greenwood Springs. [*]Fixed the loot in Sleepy Crest. Also fixed the missing zombies problem here. [*]Fixed the missing zombies problem at Delta Peak Ranger Station. [*]Added back the small military camp on top of the middle bridge in Campos City. (Community was requesting this since the old Colorado V2 from Infestation had this place too.) [*]Removed the radioactive zones for now. (They will come back later when they are entirely finished - should be soon). [/list] [b]GAME PLAY:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed the small circle shadow if you have night vision on. [*]Backpacks are now different in survival than in open world. Backpacks for survival stay the same, open world have been reverted. As already mentioned earlier, backpack skins will not work in survival. [*]Zombies are nerfed / fixed. Our goal from the start was to make zombies more 'a thing' in survival. By making them harder to fight, they also became more buggy / glitched. We have been aware of this from the beginning. We have now done necessary changes and the zombies should work properly now. [*]Synced the Zombie animations with the damage in Survival. This was a big part of the reported problems. Zombies before were hitting you but you weren't taking damage or zombies were not hitting you and you would take damage. Now zombies only damage you when you actually see them hitting you. [*]Fixed a problem where players could not switch backpack. [*]Fixed the bleeding icon. (icon was showing up as "bleeding" even though the player was not bleeding) [*]Fixed a bug that could cause open world items to end up in survival. [*]Heartbeat sound (when being low HP) is now lowered. (less loud) [/list] [b]LOOT:[/b] [list] [*]Increased painkiller and bandage spawns. [*]Increased amount of items in the civilian loot group. A more variate amount of items should spawn now. [*]Increased the chances of shovels in the civilian loot group. [*]Added normal bandages to the zombie loot. Players can now get bandages from normal zombies. [*]Added more weapons to the random airdrop loot. [*]Added the civilian NVG to the civilian loot table. [*]Lowered the chances of empty spawns of Super Zombies. Super zombies should drop better gear now. [*]Lowered the chances of silencers. [*]Lowered the chances of custom guerilla. [*]Lowered the chances of attachments. [*]Lowered the chances of alice backpacks. [*]Lowered the chances of m9 NVG's. [*]Removed the desert eagle spawns from item boxes. [*]Removed the excessive force (melee) from spawning. This item will still be available later when crafting is enabled. [/list] [h1]Map Updates:[/h1] [b]OVERALL:[/b] [list] [*]Lowered the terrain quality for "Potato" and "Low". This is also done to increase FPS and performance. [*]Optimized the shadow quality overall on each map. This is also done to increase FPS and performance. [/list] [b]SAN PAVEL:[/b] [list] [*]Lowered the overall contrast. (vision) The map should overall be less bright now. [/list] [b]CALIWOOD:[/b] [list] [*]Higher-ed the amount of zombies around the beach area's. [/list] Patch will roll out ANY TIME after these patch notes get published. Best Regards, // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team