Dear Players, It's time again for a brand new game update with some fixes, and some very cool brand new content. We are excited to release this patch since it contains a lot of fixes related to the performance of the game. Fast-Load has been entirely reworked and improved and we are finally removing overgrowth from the buildings. We are excited to see how big of a difference this patch is going to make due performance of people. Let us know if your game runs smoother and better after this patch! Exact patch times are listed at the end of these patch notes. Now, let's jump into the patch notes! [h1]Overall Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Added the new bus / transport system. You can read more about this further in the patch notes. [*]Added a legend to the minimap screen that shows all the icons of the map and what they mean. [*]Updated the Spanish translation for the game. Improved some translations. [*]Updated the Italian translation for the game. Improved some translations. [*]Updated the in-game moderator tag. Changed the color to orange. [*]Updated the in-game menu background. [*]All the PVP Servers now have DAY ONLY. Day / Night cycle in PVP maps has been removed entirely. [*]Solo servers have now been disabled since players never really played on these servers and only farmed here. [*]Fixed a general problem which was causing some missing meshes/objects. (meshproperties) [*]Fixed and improved the in-game friend system. The system is enabled now again and working better and smoother. [*]Fixed the "reconnecting" system. Improved and tweaked the system more and fixed some problems related to ping issues. [*]Fixed various UI bugs. Fixed several client crashes and fixed a but where icons on the minimap wouldn't get removed when they should. [*]Fixed a bug in the main menu when changing primary weapon it would not show on your character. Now, it will update properly. [*]Fixed a major bug related to 'spaghetti' weapons. Weapons would sometimes glitch when being unequipped on the back of a character. [/list] [h1]Item Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Added a new media riot shield: Riot Shield SgtNgo. [*]Added a new media riot shield: Riot Shield Capixaba. [*]Fixed the M4A1 Camo skin missing store icon. [*]Fixed the Riot Shield Singapore texutre issues. Removed glow from the shield. [*]Fixed the Riot Shield E-Unit item name. [*]Fixed a problem related to the Psycho Riot Shield. The shield should work properly now. [*]Fixed the name of the "Mosin Black Night". Removed the "." from the name. [/list] [h1]Skin Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Added new Modern Black skins (7). These will be released / reviewed later. [*]Updated the M4A1 Camo recipe store icon. You can now see the gun better on the icon. [*]Updated the K. Style NVG Neon Dragon textures due community feedback. The skin should look better overall now. [/list] [h1]The new bus stop system:[/h1] After a lot of community complaints about the current car system in the game we think we finally have a proper side solution for the issues related to the car system. Cars have always been unstable causing people to crash / lose their cars and were never a good feature from the beginning. Unfortunately we can not simply remove cars entirely from the game since cars are actually very useful for players to go from location to location. We have looked at this and came to realize that the only main reason cars are used is for players to go from location A to location B. Now, we have came up with another idea: A bus system. This system will basicly allow players to fast travel through the maps for GD (Game Dollars). This system will be more efficient and faster than using cars and it will also be way cheaper. Here's how the system will work: [list] [*]Travelling through the map can only be done through marked bus stops. Players have to go here to be able to travel to a different location on the map. [*]The bus stop travel system is available on Colorado V2, Colorado V1 & Caliwood. [*]For travelling through the map GD will be charged from the player's account. Prices will be based on distance but will be relatively cheap. [*]Deluxe account subscriptions can travel for 50% of the GD price, extreme subscriptions can travel entirely free. [*]YOU WILL obviously have spawn protection after using the transport system to another location. [/list] You can kind of see this feature as a side solution for the car system. However, since the new bus stop system will be much more efficient and cheap we hope players will stop using cars and use the bus stop system. Here's a video about the new bus system: [h1]The Fast-Load Rework:[/h1] Fast-Load has been reworked and optimized in this patch. Fast-load loads models around you in a "smoother way". They load slower to prevent the game from freezing. So instead of freezing for 1-2 seconds many times while entering a big city, you will get slighly lower fps for maybe 5 seconds. So a little lag instead of freezing while loading? not bad huh? [list] [*]Added a UI indicator so you know if fast-load is loading buildings or not. [/list] [h1]Perfomance / Model Updates:[/h1] Based on huge demand from our community we have finnally removed all the overgrowth from all the buildings in-game. Overgrowth (the moss added to current buildings in the game) causes models to have extremely high file size. By removing the overgrowth from the buildings in game we are doing a massive performance update. Loading times will be massively faster, better FPS in-game and less crashes. We know by removing overgrowth the look of the game in general gets affected, but after receiving so much feedback and demand from our community we have decided to remove it. Overgrowth will not for ever be gone but for now it will be gone, just to optimize the game by a lot. By removing overgrowth from buildings we also got to fix a lot of issues related to some buildings. We can't really explain which building is which so just to list down we will be using the original file names of the buildings: [b]WZ_CityBuildings:[/b] [list] [*]Removed all overgrowth from all buildings. [*]city_building_05_v2 - Fixed the windows of the building, players can no longer jump through windows anymore from ANY side. (Before players could jump through windows but only from one side.) Also fixed a window part where there was no actual room connected to these windows. (You could see inside the building.) Check the picture how we fixed it: [*]bld_apartment_set_01 - Removed the physicx from the stairs on the side of the building so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [*]bld_apartment_set_04 - Removed the physicx from the stairs on the side of the building so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [*]bld_apartment_set_05 - Removed the physicx from the stairs on the side of the building so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [*]bld_apartment_set_07 - Removed the physicx from the stairs on the side of the building so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [*]bld_apartment_4_story_01 - Removed the physicx from the stairs on the side of the building so players can't access the rooftop anymore. Fixed FPS drop issues related to the graffiti [*]bld_warehouse_xl_01 - Removed the physicx of some details so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [*]bld_warehouse_garage_l_01 - Removed the physicx of some details so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [*]bld_warehouse_shop_m_01 - Removed the physicx of some details so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [*]bld_warehouse_s_01 - Removed the physicx of some details so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [*]bld_warehouse_l_01 - Removed the physicx of some details so players can't access the rooftop anymore. [/list] [b]WZ_TownBuildings:[/b] [list] [*]Removed all overgrowth from all buildings. [*]town_clinic_01 - Back room is now open. This room has always been closed but has now been opened. [*]town_autogarage_02 - Opened an extra room and added a connecting door connecting the two parts of the building. [*]town_diner_02_Open - Has been closed again due major perfomance issues. We will rework this building later again and open it up again. [/list] [b]WZ_Settlement:[/b] [list] [*]Removed all overgrowth from all buildings. [/list] [b]WZ_CityStreets:[/b] [list] [*]Removed all overgrowth from all buildings. [/list] [b]WZ_CaliProps:[/b] [list] [*]props_busstop_01 - Fixed the issue where players could jump through the iron bars from one side but not from the other. Players can't jump through that anymore. [/list] [b]WZ_CaliBuildings:[/b] [list] [*]bld_store_liquor_01 - Opened the back / side room of this building. Added a back entrance and opened some windows. [*]bld_shopping_mall_05 - Opened up the entire building, added three doors where players can enter the building. [/list] For more and latest information about the rework of buildings and development related to that we recommend you to check out this forum post (daily updated): [h1]Item Name Changes:[/h1] Based on feedback from newer players and to make the game generally easier to understand we have decided to do some name changes to certain items. [list] [*]The "G36 40 Ammo" is now called: "G36-40". [*]The "G36 60 Ammo" is now called: "G36-60". [*]The "G36 Ammo" is now called: "G36-30". [*]The "1911 Mag" is now called: "1911 Clip". [*]The "Kruger .22 Rifle" is now called: "Kruger Rifle". [*]The "Kruger Mini-14" is now called: "Kruger Mini". [*]The "Kruger Mini-14 Clip" is now called: "Kruger Mini Clip". [*]The "Medium Kruger Magazine" is now called: "Kruger Rifle 20". [*]The "Large Kruger Magazine" is now called: "Kruger Rifle 30". [*]The "Kruger .22 Magazine" is now called: "Kruger .22 Clip". [*]The "STI Eagle Elite" is now called: "STI". [*]The "STI Eagle Elite Ammo" is now called: "STI Clip". [*]The "7.62 AKM/AK47 magazine" is now called: "AK47 Clip". [*]The "5.45 AK Drum" is now called: "AK Drum". [*]The "5.45 AK Drum Elite" is now called: "AK Drum Elite". [*]The "5.45 AK 30" is now called: "AK-30". [*]The "5.45 AK 45" is now called: "AK-45". [*]The "Stanag 30" is now called: "Stanag-30". [*]The "Stanag 45" is now called: "Stanag-45". [*]The "Stanag 60" is now called: "Stanag-60". [/list] [h1]Battle Royale Updates:[/h1] [b]Tropico Updates:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed the minimap issue. Updated the minimap to the right one again. [/list] [b]Arena Updates:[/b] [list] [*]Fixed a problem with some material files of buildings where player crashed alot. [*]Fixed a texture problems of some trees, which was causing player to freeze/crash. [*]Removed objects to fix the error "overflow" (means you loaded to many objects on the same time). [*]Fixed some loot points, because of the flying loot error. [*]Removed some objects which were moving but they shouldn't (static objects). [/list] [h1]Colorado V2 Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Removed the old 'secret spot' and added a new one. [*]Added some jump-ups at the "69" and the garage bulding (where the moss was before). [/list] [h1]Caliwood Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Placed some more cars on the streets to protect player more. [*]Placed the old green-yellow building back to the main pvp areas. [*]Fixed a ambient sound in the park which didn't made any sense. [/list] [h1]SpringValley Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Removed the 2 hotels due comminuty feedback. [*]Placed some new buildings where the hotels were. (feedback) [/list] [h1]Rocky Ford Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Placed some new vehicles in the map. [/list] [h1]Lounge Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Placed some of the new vehicles. [/list] [b]Patch is expected to roll out tomorrow morning. Exact date: Tuesday, May 30, 2017 - 11:00 (UTC+2)[/b] Best Regards, // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team