Dear Players, Faster than expected we are rolling out another patch! We have worked very hard the past week to roll out this patch as soon as possible and we're very excited to share the new features and the new Battle Royale map with you all! For more information about the patch status please scroll down to the end of these patch notes. Let's get into it! [h1]Overall Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a texture issue / glitch related to one of the body's of the average joe character. [*]Fixed a crash related to some components materials missing causing clients to crash. [*]Fixed a crash related to "000096.746| GFx Error: Loader failed to open 'Data\Menu\$Data/Weapons/CraftingResources/'". [*]Fixed the Xsolla promotion loading screen spelling mistakes for the Thai text part. [*]Fixed a bug related to changing backpacks. (Sometimes the client could crash when this happened) [*]Fixed a bug related to some car spawners having 0% durability. This is now fixed. [*]The game is now also available in Italian language. Thanks to Robex for translating! [*]Loadouts now also save the backpack. When loading a loadout it will also equip the backpack saved in that loadout automatically. (There is still a visual bug when doing this, we will fix this ASAP) [*]Deluxe and Extreme account subscriptions now have auto revive when opening your inventory. [*]All skinboxes are now always displayed in the in-game marketplace even if they're not available so that players can click on them and see their content. [*]Event servers now display at the pvp server selection screen. Added a new map called "Event". [*]Car lights are now toggable. Players can turn the lghts on or off by using the same key thats used for the flashlight. [*]When aiming down with a sniper and holding breath there is now a breath indicator that indicates the players breath. [*]Improved the new killfeed style. Should be generally more visible and clear now. [*]Improved the trade window in-game. Players can now trade items up to 36 slots instead of 16. [*]Updated the in-game menu background. We will keep changing the backgrounds every patch from now. [*]Added a sound when players receive a group invite. Just so players have an extra notification when receiving a group invite. [*]Added a claxon sound to the vehicles. Players can use the claxon by being in a vehicle and clicking. [/list] [h1]Item Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Added a new country Riot Shield: Riot Shield Cambodia. This new riot shield will be available in the in-game marketplace. [*]Added a new media Riot Shield: Riot Shield Razziel. This new riot shield will be available in the in-game marketplace. [*]Fixed / Updated the missing textures and store icon of Worrun's Broom. (Melee) [*]Fixed the missing store icon problem of the riot shield chupacabra. [*]Fixed the missing store icon problem of the riot shield NP2. [*]Fixed the missing store icon problem of the riot shield MMFK. [*]Fixed the missing crate models of the riot shield MMFK. [*]Fixed the missing textures for the pine apple model. (food) [*]Fixed the missing textures for the bada boom model. (explosive) [*]Fixed a problem related to the kruger pistol that would have a silencer attached. This no longer happens. [*]Fixed a problem related to the Crossbow models. The TPS versions of the models was glitched for all versions. [/list] [h1]Skin Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed / Reworked the Elite Skinbox store icon. (Look overall way cooler and has a better quality now) [*]Fixed / Updated the scope of the AWP Red Strike. The weapon now uses the right scope. [*]Fixed / Updated the store icon of the AWP Red Strike. [*]Fixed / Updated the textures of the FN Scar Elite. [*]Fixed / Updated the textures of the NVG Red Strike. (The white colors are more solid white now) [*]Fixed / Updated the description of the Heavy Armor Fairy Tale. [*]Fixed issues related to the Heavy Armor Fairy Tale. When unskinning / skinning this skin now it will be a heavy armor instead of a custom guerilla. [/list] [h1]Battle Royale Updates:[/h1] Great news! The new Battle Royale map is finally finished! We are very happy and excited to finally be able to release this second Battle Royale map. As some of you might already know is that this new Battle Royale map is a little bit different than the old Battle Royale map. We will go through all the changes and explain everything as clear as possible for you guys. [b]Overall:[/b] [list] [*]The new Battle Royale map is a SECOND Battle Royale map meaning that players can now choose what map to play. The new Battle Royale map IS NOT a replacement. [*]The new Battle Royale map is called "Tropico" and the old Battle Royale map is now called "Arena". [*]Added so that when players select the Battle Royale game mode they can choose what map they want to play. [/list] [b]Topico Updates & Explanation (The new map):[/b] [list] [*]Tropico is a SOLO ONLY Battle Royale map meaning grouping / name tags / clan tags are disabled. Please keep in mind that anyone we see grouping will be punished. [*]This new Battle Royale map has a warm-up lobby too, just like the old Battle Royale map. [*]On the new Battle Royale map player spawns work different: Instead of everyone spawning randomly in the world (like on the old map) everyone spawns in the centre of the map. All players will spawn in a big circle with in the middle a military place with a lot of good loot. Players will be able to join the action instantly by running to the middle or run away into the world and play more 'safe'. We are very excited to see how players are going to play this new kind of Battle Royale. [*]WARNING: Please keep in mind that this is the first release of the map. Expect bugs / glitches, we will do our best to fix those instantly. [*]We will also keep updating the map based on the feedback from our players. Changes will most likely happen. [/list] [b]Arena Updates (The old map):[/b] [list] [*]Arena now has a grouping system again. In this Battle Royale players can play duo. [/list] [h1]Colorado V2 Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed physics of some opened buildings at Tyler Ranch. [*]Fixed a glitched ambient sound at Lonetree Farm. [*]Removed / Fixed some flying rocks and objects. [/list] Servers will go down very soon for expected 1-2 hours max. The reason for this longer downtime is because of some server maintenance we need to do. We will do everything we can to bring the servers back up as soon as possible. For live updates we recommend you to follow us on Twitter: Best Regards, // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team