Dear players, With the Steam release upcoming tomorrow we're going through some final changes / fixes. This is also to get the 'wave' of newer players easier into the game. Also, the release date is updated to: 22 nov 2016 @ 5:00am PST! Thanks for understanding and patience, here are the notes: [h1]Overall Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed a crash related to skinning items. [*]Fixed a crash / kick when a player exits a car. [*]Fixed multiple small UI crashes and bugs. [*]Fixed a bug where switching slots while reloading would bug the reload animation. (Ammo was flying in the air LOL) [*]Fixed a bug where the grenade would attract zombies when landing on the ground, before the explosion. [*]Skill tree will no longer count in Battle Royale as this is a unique game-mode next to our 'Open World' that doesn't have anything to do with Global Inventory / character statistics. [*]Autorun (Activated with NUM-LOCK key) now actually makes your character run instead of walk. [*]Airdrops will now attract zombies up on landing. [*]Super zombies have been tweaked. No minor changes. [*]Reviving your character (for all accounts without premium) no longer costs GC. Players can revive their character for 15.000 $ / GD. [*]New accounts can now also play Battle Royale without any time limit. There's still a time limit for other servers. [*]Fixed the Battle Royale camera shake bug. If you still have this problem, fully empty the selected character's inventory. This will fix the problem. [/list] [h1]Battle Royale Updates:[/h1] We've done some tweaks to the Battle Royale game mode to improve PVP and make the game-play a bit faster. Also we have improved the safe area system: The overall system is now smarter. The safe zone radius now decreases depending on where the remaining players are located, for example: When the safe zone radius is 500 meter, but all the players are in a 200 meter radius, the safe zone radius will decrease to 200 meter on the next decrease tick. This is to make overall game play faster without having players waiting and camping everywhere. [list] [*]The safe area radius now decreases faster. [*]The safe area radius now starts a bit bigger. [*]Players can now see the safe area radius in the minimap. [*]Skilltree has been disabled in Battle Royale. Skilltree is only used for our Open World game mode. [/list] [h1]UI Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Players can now attach any attachments by dragging the attachment in their inventory on top of their gun. [*]Weapons now show in the description of the item what ammo can be attached. This to avoid any confusing about "What ammo is for what gun?". [*]Added a UI indicator reminding you to reload when your ammo is critically low! [/list] Loot and item spawns will be LIVE tweaked somewhere tonight. We will add new items that don't spawn yet, and do some tweaks. Don't worry, there won't be a nerf or anything. More information with details about what exactly changed will be posted later. [h1]Other Updates:[/h1] [list] [*]Fixed the Riot Shield GG store icon. The shield is now available in the marketplace again. [*]Fixed the Riot Shield GrankhGrunz. [*]Fixed the Riot Shield NP2 texture. (Texture of the crate model was missing) [*]Fixed the K. Style NVG texture and store icon problem. [/list] Enjoy the patch, all feedback and reports are welcome! Regards, // Infestation: New Z Staff Team