[img]https://i.imgur.com/on4RaFK.jpg[/img] Dear Community,   Welcome to the pre patch notes of patch 2.27. At this moment we are done with all the testing for this update and we will release the patch tomorrow morning. This patch is mostly aimed to add all the content needed for the big Christmas 2018 event we are doing but it also contains a lot of smaller fixes and improvements. This is going to be the last patch before the end of 2018 so we'd like to take this moment to thank you all for all the support over the year. You guys are truly amazing and we aim to do even more awesome stuff for the game in 2019. We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year! We have some awesome stuff planned for the Christmas 2018 events and it's going to be epic so stay tuned later this week for the further full announcement. Now, let's jump into further patch notes:   [u][b][u]Christmas Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [list] [*] Changed the menu music to some nice warm jingle bells music. Enjoy! [/*] [*] Christmas trees have been added to the officials maps. They won't have loot until the event starts. [/*] [*] Added further Christmas content. (Will be announced soon, see below) [/*][/list] For further information about the Christmas 2018 events keep an eye out on our forums and social media channels where we will announce what's happening. We have planned a lot so be ready! For all the information about the Christmas 2018 events we ask you all to go to: [url=http://playnewz.com/event/]http://playnewz.com/event/[/url]   [u][b][u]Overall Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] Cleared up some space in the public game files. Total game file size will be decreased a bit. We do this from time to time to clean up a bit and have new players download the game faster. (Note: won't apply to players who have already installed the game.) [/*] [*] We decided to remove the spawning cars from the official server. From now on you will be able to find car spawners again and you will be able to use them on premium and private server. We are planning to add them back as soon they are fully fixed. [/*][/list] [b]TREES:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed / Updated the dead pine tree variants. Before the leaves were black tinted and now all the leaves are gone so just branches. This makes more realistic sense. [/*] [*] Fixed some texture issues with some of the dead pine tree variants. [/*][/list] [b]SPECIALIST CONTRACTS:[/b] [list] [*] Added a new specialist contract for the MG36. There is a PVP and a PVE version of this contract. [/*] [*] Added a new specialist contract for the RPK-74. There is a PVP and a PVE version of this contract. [/*] [*] Added a new specialist contract for the KT Decider. There is a PVP and a PVE version of this contract. [/*] [*] Added a new specialist contract for the Blaser R93. There is a PVP and a PVE version of this contract. [/*] [*] Added a new specialist contract for the MP5/10. There is a PVP and a PVE version of this contract. [/*][/list] [b]MODELS:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the render distances of some electrical power boxes. This was a problem in some maps. [/*] [*] Fixed the truck trailer models. Optimized them and created LODs to improve performance. Also created another variant. [/*] [*] Fixed an issue related to the small market model where in the back room the ceiling wasn't properly connected to the walls. [/*] [*] Fixed an issue with the high chain fences where players wouldn't deal damage when shooting through them. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Item & Skin Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]ADDITIONS:[/b] [list] [*] Added a new skin for the Christmas collection called: "Heavy Armor Christmas Tree". [/*] [*] Added a new skin for the Christmas collection called: "K. Style Helmet Christmas Tree". [/*] [*] Added a new clan riot shield for the clan with the clan tag: "EXT". [/*] [*] The M4A1 Alien now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Autumn now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Black Night now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Blue Dragon now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Brutalizer now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Camo now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Christmas now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Chrome now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Hynx now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Modern Black now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Peacemaker now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Thailand now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Valentine now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Void now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The M4A1 Winter now has a skinned iron sight. [/*] [*] The OTs-03 SVU Black Night now has a PSO-1 Black Night scope. [/*] [*] The SVD Black Night now has a PSO-1 Black Night scope. [/*][/list] [b]CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] Updated the Basic Glasses protection values. This item had way too much protection for being just glasses. [/*] [*] Reworked the Karambit Chrome. Now it's fully chrome and also updated the store and recipe icon. [/*][/list] [b]FIXES:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the store icon and recipe icon of the "Heavy Armor Fallen Angel Purple". [/*] [*] Fixed the glitch with the IMI Tar-21 Purple which was using the black night texture sometimes. [/*] [*] Fixed the glitch with the SVD Hynx v2 which was using the halloween texture sometimes. [/*] [*] Fixed the glitch with the B93R which was using the alien texture sometimes. [/*] [*] Fixed the glitch with the Masada where you would see the halloween attachment when zooming in with the non-skinned version. [/*] [*] Fixed the skinned aim sight of the AK-47 Winter. [/*] [*] Fixed the description of the Winter 2018 Skinbox. [/*] [*] Fixed the iron sight of the M4A1. The front part was flying, this is fixed now. [/*] [*] Fixed the store and recipe icon of the Blaser R93 Chrome. The scope was not chrome on them. [/*] [*] Fixed the store and recipe icon of the AWP Chrome. The scope was not chrome on them. [/*] [*] Fixed the store and recipe icon of the Blaser R93 Fun Edition. The scope was not chrome on them. [/*] [*] Fixed the store and recipe icon of the AWP Fun Edition. The scope was not chrome on them. [/*] [*] Fixed the SVD Black Night which was using the wrong PSO-1 scope before. Now that weapon is using the PSO-1 Black Night scope. [/*] [*] Updated the SVD, AWP & OTs-03 SVU Black Night store and recipe icons. The scopes on the icons weren't showing as a skinned version. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Open World Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]COLORADO V2:[/b] [list] [*] Christmas trees have been added to this map. They won't have loot until the event starts. [/*] [*] Fixed the player spawn at Nato Military Base where player were spawning on top of a tree. [/*] [*] Moved the misplaced trees for example at Nato Military Base and at the south air tower or in Death Valley. [/*][/list] [b]COLORADO V1:[/b] [list] [*] Christmas trees have been added to this map. They won't have loot until the event starts. [/*][/list] [b]CALIWOOD:[/b] [list] [*] Christmas trees have been added to this map. They won't have loot until the event starts. [/*][/list] [b]OREGON:[/b] [list] [*] Christmas trees have been added to this map. They won't have loot until the event starts. [/*] [*] Fixed a misplaced cliff next to Merlin Spring. [/*] [*] Changed some settings on the trees which should improve the performance. [/*][/list] [b](PVP) ROCKY FORD:[/b] [list] [*] Added some collision walls around the house in front of the restaurant where player were able to glitch inside the house. [/*][/list] [b]TRAINING AREA:[/b] [list] [*] Added a new map called "Training Area". [/*] [*] This map has some missions that are aimed to help players understand the game better. Just like everything else these missions are just tutorial-based so don't give any reward. You can only do these missions once. [/*] [*] Finished the first version of the minimap. Here is a preview: [img]https://i.imgur.com/uvFZAKw.jpg[/img] [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Survival Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]LOOT:[/b] [list] [*] We are going to check the entire loot table of Survival. We have seen a lot of feedback from players which were asking us, why are some items are not spawning. This can happen live without patching. [/*][/list] [b]EXCHANGE ITEMS:[/b] Something new! This has been requested by the Survival community and it has taken some time for us to fit this into the game in a way that it makes sense. The exchange pool is a new feature on the Colorado V2 Survival map. The idea is that we change the exchange location and the exchangeable items from time to time. You can read more about how this exchange will work under the Colorado V2 (Survival) part of these patch notes. [b]COLORADO V2 (Survival):[/b] [list] [*] The exchange trading post is now in Blue Ridge safe zone. [/*] [*] Pistol Exchange: Exchange 10x Sig Sauer P226 for 1x B93R. (Blue Ridge Safe Zone) [/*] [*] Assault Rifle Exchange: Exchange 5x M4 for 1x FN Scar CQC. (Blue Ridge Safe Zone) [/*] [*] Sub Machine Gun Exchange: Exchange 10x Thompson for 1x Honey Badger. (Blue Ridge Safe Zone) [/*] [*] Melee Exchange: Exchange 10x metal bats for 1x Katana. (Blue Ridge Safe Zone) [/*] [*] Mixed Exchange: Exchange 10x Kruger .22 Rifle for 1x Mosin. (Blue Ridge Safe Zone) [/*] [*] Christmas trees have been added to this map. They won't have loot until the event starts. [/*][/list] [b]COLORADO V1 (Survival):[/b] [list] [*] Christmas trees have been added to this map. They won't have loot until the event starts. [/*] [*] Added more spots around the world with zombies. [/*] [*] Highered the amount of zombies overall. [/*] [*] Added % sprinter zombies to some forest places. [/*] [*] Fixed some misplaced objects in SmallVille. [/*] [*] Fixed a jump up at the airport where player weren't able to go up. [/*][/list] [b]OREGON (Survival):[/b] [list] [*] Christmas trees have been added to this map. They won't have loot until the event starts. [/*] [*] Fixed a misplaced cliff next to Merlin Spring. [/*] [*] Changed some settings on the trees which should improve the performance. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Competitive[/u][/b][/u][u][b][u] Updates:[/u][/b][/u] For those who have missed previous updates and information about the new Competitive game-mode we recommend to read: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/6624-devblog-competitive-alpha/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/6624-devblog-competitive-alpha/[/url] We would like to list out some of the further changes we have done, even though this game mode is not publicly available yet it's good to show further changes and work done to you guys. [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] The minimap is now showing in the Competitive game-mode. [/*] [*] Fixed a lot of crashes based on the testing we have done earlier. [/*] [*] Fixed further crashes related to the control point. [/*] [*] Fixed an issue where when a player died the body (rag-doll) would fall through the ground. [/*] [*] Fixed the reconnecting system. Players are now able to connect back to their game properly when f.e. crashing. [/*] [*] Fixed further crashes related to the reconnecting system. [/*] [*] Fixed some missing lang pack / text for in the in-game HUD. [/*] [*] Players now drop items upon death. You can not forcefully drop any items though. [/*] [*] For now the Competitive game-mode has infinity ammo. This is mostly done this way due to technical reasons. [/*] [*] Players now always look at the central control point upon spawning. This way they easier understand where to go when a round starts. [/*] [*] Spectating in Competitive has been changed to first-person only. [/*] [*] The central control point now has an icon in the HUD. This to make it easier for players to understand where to go. [/*] [*] The prices in the in-game store have been adjusted to a solid basis. We will work from here to update and balance out further. [/*] [*] Updated the beep contesting sound to a more realistic and better sound. [/*][/list] [b]DESERT:[/b] [list] [*] Both glow edges around the team spawns are now a more neutral color as we won't be working with team colors yet. [/*] [*] Improved the quality of the trees. Improved the texture. Should look a lot better now. [/*] [*] Fixed the LOD render distance of the central fountain. Now the model switches on a longer distance. [/*] [*] Fixed some fences that were clipped inside buildings. [/*] [*] Fixed some objects placed on top of rooftops that were clipping through the ceiling of some buildings. [/*] [*] Finished the preview picture of the map. [/*] [*] Finished the first version of the minimap. Here is a preview: [img]https://i.imgur.com/l0y4k5F.jpg[/img] [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Battle Royale Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]TROPICO:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the rocks at the end of the landing strip during the fact that player were camping and glitching there. [/*] [*] Moved some player spawns which were causing player spawn on top or inside trees. [/*] [*] Fixed the spawns around the map which were inside trees. [/*] [*] Fixed the sound problem which was causing that player could hear everything twice. [/*][/list]     [b]Estimated patch size: around 200 mb.[/b] [b]Patch ETA: Patch will roll out between 09:00 - 10:00 AM (CET) on December 18, 2018.[/b] [b]Estimated downtime: We will try to keep the servers down as minimal as we can but the downtime will be around 30 minutes. We will keep you guys updated through our social media channels.[/b] [u]Pre-patch notes might be changed if we need to fix / add something.[/u]   Once again thank you for your great support! Want to support us even more? Make sure to share these patch notes with your friends and followers! For any feedback about the game or this patch please let us know at: [url=http://playnewz.com/feedback]http://playnewz.com/feedback[/url] To stay updated regarding the patch and server downtime please follow us on our social media: [b]Facebook:[/b] [url=https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/]https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/[/url] [b]Twitter:[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/infestationnewz]https://twitter.com/infestationnewz[/url] [b]Discord: [/b][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/thenewz]https://discordapp.com/invite/thenewz[/url]   Best Regards,   // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team [img]https://i.imgur.com/v2LEY3C.jpg[/img]