[img]https://i.imgur.com/moZ3T9F.jpg[/img] Dear Players, (Original Post: http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/6587-patch-226/) This is not a big patch but definitively one we had to roll out between now and Christmas. There will be another patch coming before Christmas aimed at adding more content. This patch is mostly aimed to fix issues improve stability and overall performance.   Now, let's jump straight into the patch notes:   [u][b][u]Overall Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue related to the idle super zombie sound. Also fixed a possible crash that could occur. [/*] [*] Fixed many crashes related to the level terrain and the loading of the terrain. [/*] [*] Fixed a crash related to the vehicle destroy particles. [/*] [*] The character in the main menu is now animated in the idle state. It just overall looks better and is a nice little touch to the UI. [/*] [*] Players can no longer abuse the "jump-left-peak" trick. This was very commonly abused by players and should no longer be possible. We are still aware of some other minor other peak abusements so please keep sending us your feedback and video's so we can improve this as good as we can. [/*] [*] Items now unskin when moved into a locker. [/*] [*] Fixed an issue on the EU official servers that caused the voice channels not to work. [/*] [*] Fixed an issue on FAC v2 that was preventing it from starting.  [/*][/list] [b]CHARACTERS:[/b] [list] [*] Updated some character part names for the Walter character. Added some names instead of having: 02, 03, etc. [/*] [*] Added a new collection called Winter for the Ex Military Character. [/*] [*] Added a new collection called Winter for the Park Ranger Character. [/*] [*] Added a new collection called Winter for the The Mechanic Character. [/*][/list] [b]MODELS:[/b] [list] [*] Updated / Created / Optimized all the garage tire props. These models were very unoptimized. Also created LODs. (example: [url=http://prntscr.com/lhaq20]http://prntscr.com/lhaq20[/url]) [/*] [*] Updated the Modern Black Skinbox to the newest skinbox model. Also updated the store icon. [/*] [*] Updated the Camo Skinbox to the newest skinbox model. Also updated the store icon. [/*][/list] [b]RE-ROLL[/b][b] SYSTEM:[/b] [list] [*] Updated the system. Based on your feedback we have made the following changes: legacy skinboxes are now all rerollable. Limited skinboxes will never be rerollable. This means you can now even get the "Epic Skinbox" and other old skinboxes when rerolling. We hope this gives more reason to use the system. [/*][/list] [b]VEHICLES:[/b] As you all know is that we have asked you all for feedback regarding the vehicle system about a week ago. (you can find that back here: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/6519-feedback-vehicle-system/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/6519-feedback-vehicle-system/[/url]) Thanks to this we have been able to gather a lot of feedback, crash dumps and complaints about the vehicle system which made it for us easier to work on. Thanks to that we have done quite some work to the overall vehicle system; fixed crashes, improved stability, fixed issues, updated vehicle data and overall improved the entire system by a lot. We'd like to keep working from here and continue improving the system in the near future. These are further updates we have done related to the vehicle system: [list] [*] Updated vehicle data of the Buggy. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated vehicle data of the ZK. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated vehicle data of the Police Dragster. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated vehicle data of the Sherif Dragster. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated vehicle data of the Tuk Tuk. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated vehicle data of the Bus. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated vehicle data of the Stryker. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated vehicle data of the Humvee. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated vehicle data of the ATV. This vehicle should feel smoother and easier to drive now. [/*] [*] Updated the Stryker vehicle. This vehicle now has 4 dynamic wheels instead of 8. The remaining 4 wheels (in the middle) are still attached to the vehicle but just retracted. We have done it like this for now until we are 100% sure that our engine can support any more wheels than 4 per vehicle. (as this one had 8 before.) [/*] [*] The Tuk Tuk now also has its own "destroyed" model. Before there was no separate model for this. Also fixed an issue when this vehicle explodes that the tires of the car would be corrupted. (flying in random places) [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Item & Skin Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]FIXES:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed physics for the Custom Guerilla Light. [/*] [*] Fixed the store icon of the AUG A3 Autumn skin recipe. [/*] [*] Fixed an error related to the AUG A3 Autumn skin. [/*] [*] Fixed the AK-47. This weapon can now have attachments attached again. We have nerfed the weapon a tiny bit, as it was buffed before due to the reason it couldn't have attachments attached. [/*] [*] Fixed the iron sight of the L85 Autumn skin. [/*] [*] Fixed the bug where it was showing the K. Style NVG BVTR in the lounge. [/*] [*] Fixed the store icon and recipe of the Frying Pan. [/*] [*] Fixed the skin recipe of the STEYR AUG A3 Autumn. [/*][/list] [b]UPDATES:[/b] [list] [*] Updated the texture of the Riot Shield Heartbreaker. [/*] [*] Updated the icon of the Nemesis Limited Skinbox to the legacy one. [/*] [*] Updated the icon of the Indigo Limited Skinbox to the legacy one. [/*] [*] We have looked into a problem where the standard FN Scar CQC was stronger than the Night Stalker or Red Stalker. Based on that we have done some changes: [list] [*] Lowered the spread of the FN Scar Night Stalker from 2.7 to 2.4. [/*] [*] Lowered the recoil of the FN Scar Night Stalker from 4.1 to 3.4. [/*] [*] Lowered the spread of the FN Scar Red Stalker from 2.7 to 2.3. [/*] [*] Lowered the recoil of the FN Scar Red Stalker from 3.5 to 3.3. [/*] [/list] [/*][/list] [b]ADDITIONS:[/b] [list] [*] Added a new spray called: "Kaboom!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Boom!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Puff!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Bam!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "BoOoOom!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Whoa!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Hey!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Boing!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Hurrah!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Boo!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Ding!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Spooky!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Ahoy!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Yum!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Grrrr!". [/*] [*] Added a new spray called: "Yippee!". [/*] [*] Added a new clan Riot Shield called: "Riot Shield GOSU". [/*] [*] Added a new clan Riot Shield called: "Riot Shield EAG". [/*] [*] Added a new clan Riot Shield called: "Riot Shield SOE2". [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Survival Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed physics for Small Code Locker. It has been reverted back to normal. [/*][/list] [b]LOOT:[/b] [list] [*] Decreased overall loot. Many players have written us feedback and we have decided to reduce a little bit in amounts. More info: Your voices have been heared! We have always gathered feedback regarding the loot in Survival but not always consistently processed it. There has been some problems such as the fact that some maps were using separate loot systems and therefor there was not really a consistency in the amount of loot compared to every map. This also made it even more complicated for us to update / change the loot. With this update we have created a [u]foundation [/u]for a series of patches where we will spend more time improving the loot to a point of how it should be. This [u]foundation [/u]allows us to have all the loot for the Survival game-mode in one place and from now on it will be a lot easier and better to work on improving the loot and use you guys' feedback. Right now Colorado V2 has as much loot as it should have. V1 is okay and Oregon is overall too overpowered. Our first priority will be to consistently offer the same amount of loot over these 3 maps. It shouldn't be a thing that Oregon is way better than Colorado V2 for example. We are going to need your feedback! See patch 2.26 as a [u]foundation [/u]to allow us to actively improve the loot. We have already done some changes but we are really going to need YOUR feedback. Therefore we have created a dedicated feedback section for the loot in Survival. Please report loot feedback to us there, as this is the main place where we will be looking for direct feedback. Here is the link: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5381-loot-survival/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5381-loot-survival/[/url] (Make sure to fill in the feedback using the correct format) Also, the following further changes have already been made related to the loot:   [/*] [*] Buffed the medical loot a tiny bit. [/*] [*] Reduced the chances of overall food from spawning. We do agree that military places have too much food and other consumable items. We will continue working on this. [/*] [*] Players have reported to find military and automatic weapons spawning in civilian places, if this happens, could you guys please let us know where and when? (possibly with a screenshot) We aim to improve the loot as well as we can over time with the help of you guys! Please help us out and give us your feedback at the link provided above. [b]This is much appreciated.[/b] [/*][/list] [b]COLORADO V2 (Survival):[/b] [list] [*] Lowered the strength of the lighting quality due to a bug with white light swords. [/*][/list] [b]COLORADO V1 (Survival):[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the loot spots at Crystal Lake Resort where AKM's were spawning too often. [/*] [*] Removed the secret spot next to the airport. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Open World Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]CONTRACTS / MISSIONS:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed / Updated the "Super Zombie Slayer III" contract. Changed the reward from 3 to 1 M249's due to a bug, increased the rewarded ammo from 3 to 5 and added an extra PKM as a reward. [/*][/list] [b]LOOT:[/b] [list] [*] Also in Open World we have updated the loot and its system. More info: There wasn't much wrong with the loot in Open World but we'd still like to re-address that we are always looking for feedback regarding the loot in Open World. We have created a dedicated feedback section for the loot in Open World. Please report loot feedback to us there, as this is the main place where we will be looking for direct feedback. Here is the link: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5379-loot-open-world/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5379-loot-open-world/[/url] (Make sure to fill in the feedback using the correct format) [/*][/list] [b](PVP) ROCKY FORD:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the rest of the Halloween content. (There were still some left that we forgot) [/*][/list] [b](PVP) LOUNGE:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the place behind the light tower where player got stuck sometimes while swimming. [/*][/list] [b]LOUNGE:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the Super Zombie Head which was laying around. [/*][/list] [b]COLORADO V1:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the secret spot next to the airport. (Note was missing on the patch notes 2.26) [/*][/list] [b]CALIWOOD:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed the ambient sound which was a bit to loud on top of the bridge next to the stadium. [/*] [*] Fixed the flying objects around the convention center. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Battle Royale Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] Based on feedback from the Battle Royale community we have changed the queue back to normal. There is no more seperate solo/duo queues. From now on when clicking on play in the Battle Royale game mode you'll be able to choose any of the maps, and queue up, alone or with friends. Servers will be mixed and will include both solo players and duos. Together with the Battle Royale community we feel like this is something we have to do at this point as the solo / duo queue is not working out and the Battle Royale player base has dropped. We aim to do further minor tweaks to keep improving this game-mode that used to be extremely popular. For further feedback about Battle Royale please let us know at: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5388-maps-battle-royale/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5388-maps-battle-royale/[/url] [/*][/list] [b]LOOT:[/b] [list] [*] Added XMR-32 to the Battle Royale Load-out. [/*][/list] [b]TROPICO:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the loot and player spawns from the little island because of feedback from the community. [/*] [*] Fixed a problem with the shadows in medium and higher quality. [/*] [*] Added some more random places to loot up and fight. [/*] [*] Reworked the navigation mesh (zombie movement mesh) completely and reworked the zombie spawns. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Competitive Updates:[/u][/b][/u] First time on these patch notes! Why? Because we have made major steps in the development around competitive. We know we have been talking about this for way too long so therefore we are not going to make any promises about release dates or any other dates just yet. The new game-mode is coming along. We have now pretty much finished the first version of the game-mode. Server-sided structure, queue, matchmaking system, map concept, objective, rounds, round-economy, UI (HUD), and more has already been finished! We are still working a lot on the concept mainly regarding "How are you going to win / what is the point" so all the feedback and ideas you guys might have are much appreciated! Just let us know in the comments. For now we wanted to bring the Competitive progress up to keep you all updated. We are very excited to start testing this new game-mode and keep working on it (on the side mainly) in the near future.   [b]Estimated patch size: 280 mb.[/b] [b]Patch ETA: Patch is rolling out around 10:00 AM (CET) on November 29, 2018.[/b] [b]Estimated downtime: 1-2 hours max. (as we are doing some maintenance)[/b] [u]Pre-patch notes might be changed if we need to fix / add something.[/u]   Once again thank you for your great support! Want to support us even more? Make sure to share these patch notes with your friends and followers! For any feedback about the game or this patch please let us know at: [url=http://playnewz.com/feedback]http://playnewz.com/feedback[/url] To stay updated regarding the patch and server downtime please follow us on our social media: [b]Facebook:[/b] [url=https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/]https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/[/url] [b]Twitter:[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/infestationnewz]https://twitter.com/infestationnewz[/url] [b]Discord: [/b][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/thenewz]https://discordapp.com/invite/thenewz[/url]   Best Regards,   // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team [img]https://i.imgur.com/cpNufOv.jpg[/img]