[img]https://i.imgur.com/qMyfHJv.jpg[/img] Dear Players,   As promised earlier, here is the smaller patch to fix some issues. This smaller patch is mainly focussed to fix crashes and includes a lot of optimizations. For more detailed information please read the patch notes:   [u][b][u]Overall Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a major bug in any settings higher than "medium"  where, if a player is shooting, players will drop 50% of their FPS. [/*] [*] Fixed a major bug related to clients loading collections. (trees/rocks) Players should have overall higher FPS because of this and also have less FPS-dropping when looking around in maps such as Colorado V2. [/*] [*] Fixed a bug when players spawn in their character would automatically start running and randomly stop. [/*] [*] Fixed various crashes. [/*] [*] All Christmas related styles have been removed/reverted. [/*] [*] Overall lighting (every map) has been improved and tweaked. [/*][/list] [b]OPTIMIZATIONS:[/b] In 2018 we aim to have a re-look at the game with the focus to optimize the game so that players can get more FPS and have an overall more stable performance. We have to be honest and in the past, we have not always directly made the right decisions when it comes to optimizations. From now on we will aim to re-prioritize this where next to fixing the crashes this will be our main priority. Our focus will be on: [list] [*] Making the game more stable overall with less crashing. [/*] [*] Optimize the game in any way to give players more FPS and faster loading times. [/*] [*] At the same time make the game look better especially in ultra/high quality without affecting performance. [/*] [*] Optimize all overall game quality settings. By this we mean to make pretty much every overall quality such as ultra, potato, etc more optimized. [/*][/list] Optimizing takes time and some things are a lot of work so therefore we are going to ask you guys to give us time. Don't worry, this will not affect our patch schedules, this will just make it that upcoming patches are a little bit more focused on optimizing the game.  The following changes/updates have been done regarding LOD's: [list] [*] Optimized/fixed the problem related to the zombies on spikes (used in a lot of maps). This model was extremely unoptimized so potentially causing performance issues. We have optimized the model and created LOD's. (preview: [url=https://imgur.com/a/jhlJW]https://imgur.com/a/jhlJW[/url]) [/*] [*] More LOD's will come bit by bit in upcoming patches. Stay tuned! [/*][/list] [b]VEHICLES:[/b] [list] [*] Decreased the speed of the buggy by a little bit. [/*][/list] [b]BUILDINGS:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed a major issue related to the "ski lodge building" (In Colorado, Frosty Pines) where players could no-clip inside the building and abuse this to kill other players. Players can no longer do this. Please keep in mind any attempt at doing this will be punished. Big thanks to sgregor for reporting this! (Original report: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/3306-survival-mod-frosty-pines-villa/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/3306-survival-mod-frosty-pines-villa/[/url] ) [/*] [*] Fixed some issues related to the newer added "Arab buildings". Some textures were missing alpha layers. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Item Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]FIXES:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed some mistakes in the OTS-SVU sniper names. [/*] [*] Fixed some descriptions of the "AW Magnum" and it's skins. [/*][/list] [b]CHANGES:[/b] [list] [*] Decreased the Honey Badger fire rate. (In the last hotfix we increased it a little bit too much.) [/*][/list] [b]ADDITIONS:[/b] [list] [*] Added a new media riot shield: "Riot Shield Pambox". [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Skin Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]FIXES:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed some problems related to the new "M4A1 Christmas" skin recipe. [/*] [*] Fixed the name of the "Blaser R93 Christmas" skin recipe. [/*] [*] Fixed the "B93R Modern Black" store icon. Reworked the icon to make it look better. [/*] [*] Fixed the "IMI TAR Beehive" item description. [/*] [*] Fixed the "M4 Semi Lime" item description. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Open World Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] Buffed the loot from the "Tactical Weapon Crate". The QBZ and G11 are removed, some other items are added. Overall players should get more higher valued items from the box now. [/*][/list] [b]COLORADO V2:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the Christmas trees and objects from the map. Also removed the Christmas event loot. [/*] [*] Reverted back to the normal terrain. Snow terrain has been removed. [/*] [*] Fixed some flying objects around Glenwood Springs. [/*] [*] Removed rocks which were inside some houses in Glenwood Springs. [/*][/list] [b]CALIWOOD:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the Christmas trees and objects from the map. Also removed the Christmas event loot. [/*][/list] [b]LOUNGE:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the Christmas objects from the map. Also removed the Christmas event loot. [/*] [*] Fixed shadow settings. [/*] [*] Fixed all the trees that were missing physics. [/*][/list] [b]ROCKY FORD:[/b] [list] [*] Reworked hills around the playable area. [/*][/list] [b]SPRING VALLEY:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the park area and replaced it with some trees and rocks. [/*] [*] Optimized trees all over the map. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Survival Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]LOOT:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed an issue related to the super zombie still not dropping any items sometimes. (Any location) [/*] [*] For the players wondering about the car spawn at Mountain Crest: we double checked this spawn and can confirm it's 100% there. You guys just have to look a little bit better! [/*][/list] [b]MAP:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the Christmas trees and objects from the map. Also removed the Christmas event loot. [/*] [*] Fixed a fence problem in the safe zone area in Boulder City. Players were able to walk through certain fences only from one side. [/*][/list]   [u][b][u]Battle Royale Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] Fixed various UI bugs. [/*][/list] [b]LOOT:[/b] [list] [*] SMG (40) Mags and MP7 (40) Mags are now spawning in Battle Royale. [/*][/list] [b]ARIZONA:[/b] [list] [*] Reworked the terrain layers to fix the corruption. [/*] [*] Added more trees around towns in general for more protection for players. [/*] [*] Moved player spawns generally closer to towns. [/*] [*] Removed the school building and replaced it with some Arab buildings in the lobby. [/*][/list]   Once again, this is just a smaller patch mainly to fix some issues. Expect a bigger patch soon!   [b]Estimated patch size: 200 mb.[/b] [b]Patch ETA: Patch will roll out any time.[/b] [b]Estimated downtime: Around 1 hour.[/b]   To stay updated regarding the patch and server downtime please follow us on our social media: [b]Facebook:[/b] [url=https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/]https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/[/url] [b]Twitter:[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/infestationnewz]https://twitter.com/infestationnewz[/url] [b]Discord: [/b][url=https://discord.gg/gafUzrD]https://discord.gg/gafUzrD[/url]   Best Regards,   // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team