[img]https://i.imgur.com/qXTNVEw.jpg[/img] Dear Players, (FULL POST: http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/2993-patch-212/) THIS IS PART 2, our patch notes are too big so keep in mind that this is PART 2.) (PART 1 here: http://steamcommunity.com/games/555570/announcements/detail/1589073807084412133)   Now, let's jump into the patch notes: [u][b][u]Battle Royale Updates:[/u][/b][/u] With the new "Arizona" map to be released (beta) we have done some changes and updates to the Battle Royale game-mode overall. Since the new Battle Royale map is bigger in size than any other map ever used in The New Z we had to do some changes to make sure whole Battle Royale can be played without issues. Here's what we've done: [b]GENERAL:[/b] [list] [*] Battle Royale radiation is now more adaptative to the map size. Gameplay is overall more fast-paced. (Again, since the new map is so big, we had to do some changes here to make sure when the safezone "spawns" it wouldn't possibly be too far away for some players) [/*] [*] Reworked the Battle Royale spawn AI/system. Improvements have been made to improve overall game-play. [/*] [*] Added more kill information and a report button to the Battle Royale end screen. [/*] [*] Added "Spectator Mode" to the Battle Royale end screen. When you die in a group you will be able to spectate your friends until your whole group has died. This is optional. When you die you can choose to spectate OR just quit the game. When spectating you can quit the game at any time. [/*] [*] In case you haven't read the overall updates we will explain how the friend/lobby system will work in the Battle Royale game mode: [list] [*] When being in a lobby ONLY THE LOBBY LEADER will be able to join and decide when to start joining a Battle Royale server. For Battle Royale games it will only allow players to join a Battle Royale when the group is maximum a total of 3 players. This means that groups in Battle Royale can only be up to 3 players total. [list] [*] When any other player than the lobby leader tries to join / start a Battle Royale game it will tell them they can't. ONLY the lobby leader will be able to start joining a Battle Royale game. When the lobby leader joins a Battle Royale game, the other 2 or 1 player(s) will be force joining with the leader. [/*] [*] There's now 2 Battle Royale server types: Solo / Groups. When playing solo (alone) you will only join in Battle Royale servers where everyone else is solo too. When playing with friends through a lobby with either 2 or 3 total players you will join another type of Battle Royale servers and only play against other players that are playing in groups too. [/*] [*] Keep in mind YOUR ONLY CHANCE to play with friends in Battle Royale is to have your lobby leader join a Battle Royale and you will be automatically joining with him. You WILL NOT be able to join him afterwards. [/*] [/list] [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] Battle Royale visibility issues have been fixed. To do that, we restored the render radius from unlimited to 600 meters again. This will DRASTICALLY improve fps when a Battle Royale game starts. [/*] [*] After 1 minute being out in the radiation zone, damage will increase faster and faster. This is to prevent camping. [/*] [*] Issues related to medical item spawns have been fixed. It will no longer be possible for players to find so many medical items that they can be in the radiation for a long time. [/*][/list] [b]LOOT:[/b] [list] [*] Added gasoline and repair kits in the loot tables due the release/availability of cars in the new map. [/*] [*] Updated the Airdrop loot. Added: Blasers, Sig Sauers and IMI TARs. [/*] [*] New weapons such as the: M16 and the M4 have been added to the loot tables. [/*] [*] Loot tables overall have been adjusted. Some items were spawning too much. [/*][/list] [b]ARIZONA (BETA):[/b] The new map is finally done! Arizona will replace the old "Arena" map. Based on player demand we will slowly start switching all of our Battle Royale servers to this map. In the end Arizona will be the one and only Battle Royale map for The New Z. The reason this map is still in beta is because it's the first public release. We would like to receive as much feedback from players as possible and use that to finish the map. As of right now the map is not entirely finished, where improvements will still be done. [b]ARENA:[/b] [list] [*] The "Arena" map is now officialy removed from the Battle Royale map pool. (Read above why/how) [/*][/list] [b]TROPICO:[/b] [list] [*] The "Tropico" map is still available but it will be removed from the Battle Royale map pool in the near future. (Read above why/how) [/*] [*] The spawn system has been reworked. Players no longer spawn all in a circle above the water (like hunger games) but will now spawn randomly somewhere in the map. NOTE: We are still considering changing this whole system and MIGHT add in the future some kind of parachute system! [/*] [*] Loot respawn timers have been fixed. Relate to: "Issues related to medical item spawns have been fixed. It will no longer be possible for players to find so many  medical items that they can be in the radiation for a long time." [/*][/list] We kindly ask you all if you have any feedback/suggestions/ideas/problems to report it all to us so that we can keep improving this game mode as much and as best as possible.   [u][b][u]Open World Updates:[/u][/b][/u] [b]COLORADO V2:[/b] [list] [*] The map is now in winter-themed. (Only for a limited time) [/*] [*] Added Christmas Trees. Under these trees you will find special Christmas loot. (Only for a limited time) [/*] [*] Added back some tress around Campos City towards the Goblin Peak side. [/*] [*] Removed some misplaced trees at LoneTree Farm. [/*] [*] Removed some misplaced trees at NATO Military Base. [/*] [*] Removed fog due community feedback and to improve FPS and performance. [/*] [*] Fixed some flying trees around Campos City and the Trailer Park. [/*] [*] Fixed some flying rocks around the Trailer Park. [/*] [*] Fixed some flying objects in the post office in Frosty Pines. [/*] [*] Fixed a spawn at Glenwood Springs where players could spawn inside a rock. [/*][/list] [b]COLORADO V1:[/b] [list] [*] The map is now in winter-themed. (Only for a limited time) [/*][/list] [b]CALIWOOD:[/b] [list] [*] The map is now in winter-themed. (Only for a limited time) [/*] [*] Added Christmas Trees. Under these trees you will find special Christmas loot. (Only for a limited time) [/*] [*] Added stairs around the stadium so that players can more easily get up the hill. [/*] [*] Updated some quality settings overall to improve FPS and performance. [/*] [*] Removed some trees that were unoptimized and that were causing potential performance issues. [/*] [*] Removed/Updated some terrain layers to fix some crashes and optimize the map overall. [/*] [*] Fixed some flying objects in front of the convention center. [/*] [*] Fixed an issue related to zombies walking through certain fences at the pier. [/*][/list] [b]LOUNGE:[/b] [list] [*] Replaced/optimized collision walls. (Invisible walls around the map that prevent players from going outside of the playable area.) [/*] [*] Replaced/optimized trees. [/*] [*] Added Christmas decoration. The lounge is now Christmas-themed! (Only for a limited time) [/*] [*] Updated some terrain texture to make the whole island look more like a beach. [/*] [*] Optimized shadow settings. [/*][/list] [b]ROCKY FORD:[/b] [list] [*] Opened up some areas by removing/opening certain fences based on community feedback.' [/*] [*] Lowered some walls that were overall too high. (White ones) [/*] [*] Added a small new house next to the church. [/*] [*] Added some invisible walls on top of the small white house next to the post office to prevent players from getting on top of the roof of that house. [/*] [*] Fixed some object placements around the barn to make it easier for players to jump up to certain places. [/*] [*] Removed some objects to improve FPS and performance. [/*][/list] [b]SMALLVILLE:[/b] [list] [*] Reworked the red house area (next to the barn building) based on community feedback. [/*] [*] Reworked the police station area based on community feedback. Replaced the walls, added new props and a new extending part. [/*] [*] Reworked/Updated the overall terrain and decorated more outside of the playable area to make the map look better overall. [/*] [*] Added more vehicles and props overall around the map to give players more cover to improve gameplay. [/*] [*] Added more props around the farm area. (More cover for players/more variation) [/*] [*] Added a new "place" between the medic and the mechanic shop that links them better together and "closes the gap" better. [/*] [*] Added a helicopter crash site next to the "green building". [/*] [*] Added two new buildings next to the farm area based on community feedback. [/*] [*] Added two new buildings next to the white house based on community feedback. [/*] [*] Added a military area between the church and farm area based on community feedback. [/*] [*] Added some invisible walls on top of the two red houses to prevent players from getting up the roof there. [/*] [*] Replaced/Updated some player spawns to prevent players from camping in the corners of the map. [/*] [*] Removed the "silo house" and placed a gas station there based on community feedback. [/*][/list] [b]WESTOAKS:[/b] [list] [*] Removed the fences around the basket and tennis areas based on community feedback. [/*] [*] Removed the trees and bushes on top of the hill to prevent players from camping there. [/*] [*] Reworked/Updated the player spaws based on community feedback. [/*] [*] Reworked/Updated the grocery area based on community feedback. [/*] [*] Reworked/Updated the bank area based on community feedback. [/*] [*] Reworked/Updated the overall terrain to imrpove FPS and performance. [/*] [*] Added new places around the map to improve gameplay and give players more cover overall. [/*] [*] Added more "jump up" objects around the map to improve gameplay. [/*] [*] Added invisible walls on top of the "motel" buildings to prevent players from getting up on the roof. [/*] [*] Added more houses overall in empty/open places to improve gameplay. [/*] [*] Fixed some flying/misplaced objects in the military area. [/*][/list] [b]EVENT:[/b] [list] [*] Updated fences around all areas. [/*] [*] Updated/Improved the spectator area allowing spectators to have a better overall overview now of clan wars. (Clan war area) [/*] [*] Added and removed some bus stops to make traveling to certain event locations easier. [/*] [*] (Clan war area) Placed a wooden crate inside the truck to prevent players from getting inside the truck. [/*] [*] (Clan war area) Moved some objects to prevent players and teams from looking in a direct line of sight to each other when being in the spawn. [/*] [*] (Clan war area) Fixed an issue where players were able to jump on top of the "double house". [/*][/list]   [b]Estimated patch size: 700 mb.[/b] [b]Patch ETA: Wednesday, December 20, 2017 around 10:00 AM (UTC+1)[/b] [b]Estimated downtime: 1-2 hours. (Sorry for the longer downtime but we'll need to fix/test certain things) Keep an eye out on our Twitter and other social media where we will be posting live updates.[/b]   Once again: Your feedback is more than welcome! Please keep an eye out on our social media for exact patch times. We will patch any time soon.   To stay updated regarding the patch and server downtime please follow us on our social media: [b]Facebook:[/b] [url=https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/]https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/[/url] [b]Twitter:[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/infestationnewz]https://twitter.com/infestationnewz[/url] [b]Discord: [/b][url=https://discord.gg/thenewz]https://discord.gg/thenewz[/url]   Best Regards,   // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team