[img]https://i.imgur.com/wj2pQIa.jpg[/img] Dear players, (Original post: http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5072-north-south-america-server-changes/)   First of all this post is mainly aimed to our South and North American community. Based on your feedback, reports and complaints we have decided to change up some things related to the servers in the North and South American regions. We would like to make clear that these changes are not permanent where we are aiming to improve the populations in these servers permanently. Based on the changes we have done after this announcement we would like to ask you for your feedback so that we can keep improving the available servers and their settings. We will go through the changes with you and we will do our best to explain exactly why we have changed these things individually. The main reason(s) that we are doing these changes is because of the following: [list] [*] We are getting a lot of complaints from mainly South American players in the South American region about players playing in these servers that have a bad connection / high ping. [/*] [*] Our North and South American server populations are much lower than they should be, considering the amount of players in those regions are online. We feel this change will encourage players from those regions to stick to their region/nearby regions, rather than everyone joining servers where they have high ping (like South Americans in EU servers).  [/*][/list] With these changes we are aiming to fit the North and South American servers more towards the current community size. In the end we are always able to expand servers again and add more game servers if the demand increases in these regions. Now, let's jump into the exact changes for each region:   [u][b]South America[/b][/u] [b]All ping limited servers that had 150 ms ping limit are increased to 250 ms ping limit. On this point we ask you all for as much feedback as possible![/b] [list] [*] [b]PVP SERVERS:[/b] [list] [*] All 6 PVP Servers are now ping limited to 250 ms. (This means any player that has a higher ping than 250 ms will not be able to join these servers). This change here is mainly to experiment a little bit and see if it improves anything for the South American players.   [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] [b]PREMIUM SERVERS:[/b] [list] [*] 2 out of the 4 Premium Servers are now ping limited from 250 ms. (1 Colorado, 1 Colorado V1)   [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] [b]OFFICIAL SERVERS:[/b] [list] [*] 1 Trade Lounge server has been removed. There were 2 and that was just too many for this region. 1 is enough for now since the EU trading server has become the main trading server for all the community.  [/*] [*] 1 Oregon server has been removed. There were 3 and now there is 2. 1 Oregon server is ping limited from 250 ms, the other one isn't but is clan limited to 10 people. [u]With these changes we aim to get the ping limited servers more populated starting a "snow ball" effect where even more players start joining these servers and at the same time avoid players from other regions playing here.[/u] [/*] [*] 3 Colorado V2 servers stay but will now have the following settings: 2 Colorado servers are ping limited from 250 ms. The other one isn't but is clan limited to 10 people. [u]With these changes we aim to get the ping limited servers more populated starting a "snow ball" effect where even more players start joining these servers and at the same time avoid players from other regions playing here.[/u] [/*] [*] All the AR ONLY servers have been removed. These servers were mainly used for farming and were practically splitting the already thin community. We do have to say that we would like to make the AR ONLY servers more event-based where we might do events in the future where these type of servers are available for X amount of time only. [/*] [*] 3 Caliwood servers stay but will now have the following settings: 2 Caliwood servers are ping limited from 250 ms. The other one isn't but is clan limited to 10 people. [u]With these changes we aim to get the ping limited servers more populated starting a "snow ball" effect where even more players start joining these servers and at the same time avoid players from other regions playing here.[/u] Here is a picture of the result of the changes: [img]https://i.imgur.com/Ys6LLde.png[/img] The main reason we have added so many ping limited servers here is mainly to experiment and see if this adapts more to the demands of the players in this region. If this works, we will use the same kind of ideas for further improvements possibly in the European servers too. [/*] [/list] [/*][/list]   [u][b]North America[/b][/u] [b]All ping limited servers are set to 200 ms ping limit. On this point we ask you all for as much feedback as possible![/b] [list] [*] [b]PVP SERVERS:[/b] [list] [*] "Fixed" the unnecessary 2 extra Rocky Ford servers. Now there is 6 Servers in total: 1 Rocky Ford AR ONLY, 1 Rocky Ford Normal, 1 Rocky Ford SNP ONLY, 1 Spring Valley AR ONLY, 1 Spring Valley Normal and 1 Spring Valley SNP ONLY.    [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] [b]OFFICIAL SERVERS:[/b] [list] [*] 1 Trade Lounge server has been removed. There were 2 and that was just too many for this region. 1 is enough for now. [/*] [*] 1 Oregon server has been removed. There were 3 and now there is 2. 1 Oregon server is ping limited to 250 ms, the other one isn't but is clan limited to 10 people. [u]With these changes we aim to get the ping limited servers more populated starting a "snow ball" effect where even more players start joining these servers and at the same time avoid players from other regions playing here.[/u] [/*] [*] 3 Colorado V2 servers are set (reduced from 5) but will now have the following settings: 2 Colorado servers are ping limited from 250 ms. The other one isn't but is clan limited to 10 people. [u]With these changes we aim to get the ping limited servers more populated starting a "snow ball" effect where even more players start joining these servers and at the same time avoid players from other regions playing here.[/u] [/*] [*] All the AR ONLY servers have been removed. These servers were mainly used for farming and were practically splitting the already thin community. We do have to say that we would like to make the AR ONLY servers more event-based where we might do events in the future where these type of servers are available for X amount of time only. [/*] [*] 2 Caliwood servers are set (reduced from 3) but will now have the following settings: 2 Caliwood servers are ping limited to 250 ms. The other one isn't but is clan limited to 10 people. [u]With these changes we aim to get the ping limited servers more populated starting a "snow ball" effect where even more players start joining these servers and at the same time avoid players from other regions playing here.[/u] Here is a picture of the result of the changes: [img]https://i.imgur.com/t7UPAsF.png[/img]   [/*] [/list] [/*] [*] [b]SURVIVAL SERVERS:[/b] [list] [*] We are reducing here from 6 total servers to 4 total servers. This change is not live yet since we need to give players the time to remove their lockers. If you are a Survival player and have lockers in NA SURVIVAL 005 or NA SURVIVAL 006 please read the following announcement: [url=http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5071-important-survival-announcement/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/5071-important-survival-announcement/[/url] [/*] [/list] [/*][/list]   If you are a player playing from these regions please give us as much feedback as possible! We have also made some smaller changes in the Hong Kong regions:  [u][b]Hong Kong[/b][/u] [list] [*] [b]OFFICIAL SERVERS:[/b][u].[/u] [list] [*] All the AR ONLY servers have been removed. These servers were mainly used for farming. We do have to say that we would like to make the AR ONLY servers more event-based where we might do events in the future where these type of servers are available for X amount of time only. [/*] [/list] [/*][/list]   Best regards,   // The New Z - Staff Team