Dear Players, Good news! Our new server finally has arrived. We are very sorry this took longer than expected, as some of you know this was because our provider couldn't deliver the server in time. We have just tested the new server and everything is will be ready soon for the transition. To move over to the new server we will have to take the entire game down for some hours. (Yes this is the only way) To do this, we have planned a downtime at the following time: [b]Saturday, December 3, 10:00 AM (CET)[/b] The servers will be down for some hours. We estimate this will be around 2-3 hours IF nothing goes wrong. We will update you all tomorrow with all the status updates through our twitter. During this downtime we will also release a new patch with a lot of fixes and some updates. Stay tuned for the patch notes, we will release them later. Once again we would like to thank everyone for the patience. We are very happy our new server finally arrived and we are very happy to finally be able to fix majority of the issues. // Infestation: The New Z - Staff Team