Dear Players,   It has come to our attention that there has been some major issues related to FPS and performance for [b]some [/b]players. We'd just like to let you all know that we are aware of this issue and that we are working on a solution with the players. Now, if you have this problem yourself there is one very important thing to do: [list] [*] Create a support ticket at [url=][/url] - explain us that you have the issue here. We will work from here by: [list] [*] Gathering your information that hopefully leads us to finding the issue. [/*] [*] Helping you solve the issue. [/*] [/list] [/*][/list]     In the meanwhile you can try the following things: [list] [*] Try starting the game as admin. [/*] [*] Try restarting the computer. [/*] [*] Try running the game without Steam. [/*] [*] Try flushing your DNS. [/*] [*] Try clearing your cache. [/*] [*] Try clearing your game cache files from the launcher. [url=][/url] [/*] [*] Try putting your computer in "high performance mode". [/*] [*] Try disabling your anti-virus. [/*][/list] IF one of the attempts mentioned above actually DO fix the issue could you then please get in contact with us ASAP and let us know. You can get in contact by creating a support ticket at [url=][/url]   We will keep you all updated regarding the status of this issue. In the meanwhile; our excuses for the inconvenience.    Best Regards,   // The New Z - Staff Team