[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26931738/f774436437e53a0350c26e6e82e7b5e793fed764.png[/img] Hello everyone! While we're holding the Halloween Events and all of its content, we're bringing a simple Photo Contest Event! You can start your photos now until November 8th, when the channel is closed! Rules are very simple: [list] [*] Photos must be taken from ingame with no external content added. [i]You can edit the image and add filters and such, but nothing unrelated to the game can be added to the game. [/i][*] Photos must be posted in our Discord Channel, which you can go to directly from this link. [*] Photos must be related to the Halloween Event or even the past Halloween Events we've held in the past. [*] You cannot mention other clans/players that are not participating in the photo you're posting. [*] All our game rules and Discord rules also apply to the rules for the pictures. [*] So, gather your friends, find a nice view and post your pictures! [*] [/list] At the end of the period, our team will choose the best photos from the list and will reward them! You can post them at [url=https://discord.com/channels/255399562468917250/1036975398753419376]this Discord channel[/url]. Rewards will be in account subscriptions, GC and Halloween Skinboxes!