Dear Players, (Original post: As already explained in the patch notes of [url=]patch 2.28[/url] we are getting close to our first official monthly season in Infestation: The New Z. Here is the explanation quoted from the patch notes of patch 2.28: [b]SEASONS:[/b] Something highly requested by players that we are going to start doing now: monthly seasons. Just for competitive reasons we will start at February 1 with monthly seasons. No rewards, just statistics where players can compete to be the highest rated player. These seasons will be every month from now on and will be in every game-mode. Enjoy!   Now, let's jump into further details:   [u][u][b]Season name: [/b]February 2019 Season[/u][/u] [u][u][b]Season start: [/b]February 1, 2019[/u][/u] [u][u][b]Season end: [/b]February 28, 2019[/u][/u] [u][u][b]Further info:[/b][/u][/u] [u][u]- Release of the new "Battle Royale XIX Skinbox".[/u][/u]   [u][u][url=](Click here to go to the seasons overview)[/url][/u][/u]   We hope you all like these new upcoming seasons. This is the first time we are doing this so we are very open to receive any feedback and further ideas you all might have. Please let us know in the comments of this announcement. Keep in mind that this is a pre-announcement; the season is starting next week.   Best Regards,   // The New Z - Staff Team