[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4326122/7855f901c62ed5c19bb3103f4b639d614c66e0eb.jpg[/img] Hello everyone, After running polls and pondering a lot about the subject we have decided to listen to the majority of players and we have decided to start anew with Survival and start it with Seasons. What that means is that everything from Survival will be wiped. Character stats, Inventories, EXP, and so forth. You must be asking yourselves, "is this just a random wipe?"... The answer is no. With the wipe, some things will change and the dynamic of Survival will also shift, for the better. Here again, are the results of the 2 polls we did: [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4326122/75ca288efb0e54282718ae1c289e6e722670d25b.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//4326122/f68bf34f07bb74c1c73414f5421c61f9638b4d1e.jpg[/img] [b][h3]Seasonal Wipes [/h3][/b]From this point forth, you can be 100% there will be a wipe, which will be accompanied by leaderboards with unique rewards every single season. We feel that as it is right now, it just doesn't match the gaming community's dynamic anymore. Spending more time looting than playing is not a direction it should be going anymore. With seasonal wipes and leaderboards, players will have a reason to not just try to hoard and hoard items, instead of collecting items for PVP. Our overall plan is, to tell you exactly the start and end of a "wipe", but right now we can not do that. We simply have to check the first couple of wipes, how quickly the community reaches the "end game" and adjust everything. Also, keep in mind, characters are going to stay since they are linked to clans and some of these have clan cosmetics. You also don't have to worry about your cosmetics, we won't touch these. [b][h3]Loot[/h3][/b] Though last time we tried to do it this way, it just didn't feel right in the end, so we will be redoing all the loot from scratch, removing the items that were added at later times to the game. So basically, items will be mostly similar to I:SS in similar places. Overall we will try to implement a new system, which means loot will be town-based. This way if we wanna change something in Clearview, the rates in Campos won't change. And with the next topic, you will see more of a cleaning of loot to make it easier to go through looting in a more logical matter. Crafting is going to take a huge hit and that's a good thing! We have noticed that the crafting of items is not used by the great majority of players as items can spawn that have similar effects with much less effort. With that in mind, we will be removing most of the crafting recipes and moving them closer to what you could craft simple bandages, improved melee items, etc. We will also be adding some of the newer items we have from crafting, but to make them more unique and worth the time. This will not only make it easier to understand and more appealing to players, but it will clean up the loot tables for items that can be used on the go! More details like the start and other things are going to be announced in a separate announcement. We are going to take our time and try to make everything as good as possible, NO RUSH this time. How you could help us? Spread this information and it will be more worth than gold! We do have a dev feed on our discord server where we inform our community about small goals we reached and critical updates. Don't forget to check it out [url=https://discord.gg/thenewz]DISCORD[/url] Respectfully, The Fredaikis Team