[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26931738/0dd4bcc657503e5808b0925b510139580348dffb.jpg[/img] Hey Survivors! It's about time to jump into the next small event. This time we are going to try something new. The following event will start today: [b]Double Reputation on all Official servers[/b] [i]That means, all the earned reputations on the official servers are going to be doubled, this also includes PVP servers.[/i] [i][b]NOTE: Keep in mind, boosting is NOT allowed and can get punished with wiping of their entire reputation and also ban if the player was already warned![/b][/i] The event will end on the [b]25th of december[/b] at around [b]12:00 PM CET.[/b] Overview: https://playnewz.com/news#5320438099035377862 Information about the contracts: https://support.playnewz.com/viewarticle?/83-christmas-events