[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26931738/00b5c5fd0fac30404a9d3e7b2a003fbe28f51eab.jpg[/img] Dear Community, Today is Friday and this means WEEKEND! For this weekend event we'll have it live for the following period of time:   [u][u][b]START:[/b][/u][u][b] September 11, 2020 12:00 PM (CET)[/b][/u][/u] [u][u][b]END:[/b][/u][u][b] September 14, 2020 12:00 PM (CET)[/b][/u][/u]   Now, let's jump into further details about this Weekend Event: [olist] [*] [u][b]PVP Massacre [PVP][/b][/u] We are going to enable a server perk called "Double Reputation" on all Rocky Ford servers.   [/*] [*] [b]Slicer Contract Release [SV+AC][/b] We are releasing new contracts on the Slicer. There are 3 types of them: Razor Blade I, II and III. The higher contracts will give you parts of the Slicer which are collectable items... For now.   [/*] [*] [u][b]Double Random Rewards [BR][/b][/u] Even if you don't win, you can get a skinbox randomly during a match. During this weekend, you will have a chance to earn 2 skinboxes!   [/*] [*] [u][b]Character Sellout [ALL][/b][/u] All available characters on the Store will have a 50% discount!   [/*][/olist] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26931738/a792daa409cfdd2681bcb5fd7e69403dae7fc87c.jpg[/img] [list] [*] [u][b][u]MARKETPLACE SALE: [/u][/b][b]Pink Graffiti Skinbox[/b][b] 50% DISCOUNT![/b][/u] This week we are doing a sale on the [u][b]Pink Graffiti [/b][/u]Skinbox for 50% Discount! [u]Note: This sale is a weekly one so it has already started before the weekend event and does not have the same start-end times as the weekend event.[/u] [/*][/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26931738/408013f51ccb253ac4bc455a7e4dba295a36628a.jpg[/img] [b]AC= Arcade SV= Survival BR= Battle Royale ALL= All game modes PVP= PVP servers CP= Compettitive[/b]   Please let us know what you think of this weekend event so that we can use that feedback in the future for new weekend events! If you have any ideas or suggestions feel free to share that as well as we might be able to use your idea for upcoming weekend events! Have any feedback for the weekend event? Feel free to share that with us at [url=https://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/8532-feedback-weekend-event/]http://forums.fredaikis.com/index.php?/topic/8532-feedback-weekend-event/[/url]   Once again thank you for your great support! Want to support us even more? Make sure to share these updates with your friends and followers! For any feedback about the game please let us know at [url=http://playnewz.com/feedback]http://playnewz.com/feedback[/url] If you'd like to share suggestions and ideas you have for the game please let us know at [url=https://suggest.playnewz.com/]https://suggest.playnewz.com/[/url] To stay updated regarding the patch and server downtime please follow us on our social media: [b]Facebook:[/b] [url=https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/]https://www.facebook.com/Infestation.NewZ/[/url] [b]Twitter:[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/infestationnewz]https://twitter.com/infestationnewz[/url] [b]Discord: [/b][url=https://discordapp.com/invite/thenewz]https://discordapp.com/invite/thenewz[/url] [b]Youtube:[/b] [url=http://www.youtube.com/c/InfestationTheNewZOfficial]http://www.youtube.com/c/InfestationTheNewZOfficial[/url] [b]Twitch: [/b][url=https://www.twitch.tv/infestationthenewz]https://www.twitch.tv/infestationthenewz[/url] [b]Website: [/b][url=http://playnewz.com/]http://playnewz.com/[/url] [b]Forums: [/b][url=https://forums.fredaikis.com/]https://forums.fredaikis.com/[/url]   We wish everyone a great weekend! [url=https://www.fredaikis.com/][img]https://i.imgur.com/gP5Kx17.png[/img][/url]