Hello everyone, It is with great pleasure that we bring you once again our traditional "Xmas Calendar" event! Starting on December 1st, 2023 we will open the calendar for you to collect unique items that cannot be gotten anywhere else or in any other way, in addition to classic Xmas-themed items! All free for Premium users! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//26931738/cbf91fd2ddd374db0f1a99bffbcb93fe90aa6fa8.png[/img] [b]How does it work? [/b]When the event is LIVE, at 12AM on December 1st, you will be able to access our Advent Calendar page [url=https://playnewz.com/advent]HERE[/url]! Everyday there will be an item available for you to collect! Just click on that day's item while logged in to your account and you will automatically receive the item on your account! [i]Keep in mind, though: If you miss one day, you will [b]NOT [/b]be able to get that reward again! So don't forget to visit the page every single day! [/i] And remember, during the month of December, we will start the official Xmas Event with many different events spread out for you to get even more free stuff! Don't miss out and have a merry Christmas and happy holidays!