Hey everyone, We are very proud to announce that [b]Sumatra: Fate of Yandi[/b] has been nominated for 2 awards in the [url=https://adventuregamers.com/articles/view/39492]2019 Aggie Awards[/url]! Big thanks to the lovely folk over at Adventure Gamers for this honour. Sumatra: Fate of Yandi has been nominated in the following categories: - Best Story - Best Traditional Adventure You can also vote for Sumatra: Fate of Yandi in the [url=https://advhttps://adventuregamers.com/articles/view/39493enturegamers.com/articles/view/39492]Reader's Choice poll![/url] Any votes are much appreciated. https://store.steampowered.com/app/610900/Sumatra_Fate_of_Yandi/ Thanks for your support! Shaun [i]Cloak and Dagger Games[/i]