[h2]New[/h2] [list] [*]Added many statistics to the statistics panel [*]Statistics are now translatable [*]Different zones now have different possibilities for their multipliers: [list] [*]Snow 0.7-1.5x [*]Docks 0.65-1.6x [*]Desert 0.6-1.7x [*]Swamp 0.55-1.8x [/list] [*]New option to disable mini games in the main section of the settings [*]Added info panels to the Fishing Contest and Medal Shop [/list] [h2]Changed[/h2] [list] [*]Fishing contest levels made much easier due to numerous complaints [*]Significant gold price reduction for the areas: rescue boat, desert, speedboat [*]Docks zone optimized for easier running and reduced lag [/list] [h2]Fixed[/h2] [list] [*]Small bugs [/list]