Hi everyone! As you’ve probably seen, we’re happy to announce that the ICBM series is coming back for a second strike with [b]ICBM: Escalation[/b]! Earlier on, we threw out a few one-off sneak peaks at what the game will have to offer, but we’ll be doing [b]regular dev diaries[/b] from here on out to give you an idea of what’s in store for the sequel. So, what’s the big idea? For those of you that aren’t familiar, the first ICBM game was a [b]real-time strategy game[/b] where you launched nuclear missiles and dropped nuclear bombs on your enemies to try and kill off as much of their population as possible, while also doing your best to keep your own people alive. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44721278/8cfe6c32bcf840fdcb9940d9c2e3bfc38990c77e.png[/img][i]Europe probably not winning at ICBM: Escalation[/i] ICBM: Escalation has the same concept, but rather than being a pure nuclear war game, it’s more oriented around [b]waging WWIII[/b]. You’ll get to raise a conventional fighting force to raid and invade enemy territory, as well as build up a world-ending nuclear arsenal to dissuade the enemy from doing anything drastic, which you can also freely unleash when you feel the time is right. So, what ICBM: Escalation offers, is exactly that. Escalation. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44721278/e55d1f63fb3c93d42f3812490fcc4f8a18fd9994.png[/img][i]A minor territorial dispute.[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44721278/8fb3782145c559ae3e6ac374a872853e2bf7716f.png[/img][i]Okay maybe it’s not that minor after all[/i] Of course, If you just want to sit down and nuke everybody, we’ve got new game modes on offer to fit everyone’s needs. We’ve got Blitz Mode, which is made to be simpler, faster-paced and focused squarely on nuclear exchanges, Standoff Mode, for people who want a mix of conventional and nuclear action, and Conquest Mode, for players who want the long, drawn-out strategic cold-war experience. Plus, there’s also the new [b]Co-op Versus Mode[/b] for anyone who wants to turn nuclear war into a team effort, as well as a new single-player campaign mode, but we’ll talk more about that later. ICBM: Escalation is going to have dozens of unit types, hundreds of cities to attack, and support for hundreds, if not thousands, of active units all at once. There’s also a huge variety of nuclear weapons to pick from, a massive tech tree that spans generations, and more. All in all, it’s going to be a huge step up in scope and complexity from the original. There’s also been [b]lots of changes[/b] to make the game more visually stunning, so you can really bask in the radioactive glow of each mushroom cloud. For the record, there’s only two people on the development team, so we’ve definitely got our work cut out for us! Now, the big question that everyone’s wondering is, when is the game going to come out? We can’t say for sure just yet, but we’ll have more dev diaries in the future so you can keep an eye on how things are going. We’re aiming for a release date sometime [b]next year in 2024[/b], so keep your eyes peeled! Don’t forget to check out the store page on Steam and wishlist us!