The sequel to beloved indie hit Hyper Light Drifter is on its way, and it looks incredibly cool. Hyper Light Breaker, a fully 3D and open-world game, has just been revealed in a flashy new animated trailer, and it's set for a 2023 release date.
The trailer shows a slim, hooded figure approaching a group of guards on a bridge suspended in a strange, alternate dimension. The figure produces the grip of an energy staff, and dashes into combat. They slice, dice, dodge, and wall-run before finally unleashing a devastating slam manoeuvre that finishes off the remaining enemies.
It's a action-packed and stylish sequence, and it establishes a continuity with Hyper Light Drifter, the 2D action RPG that came out in 2016. What's most incredible, however, is that the final few seconds reveal what Hyper Light Breaker actually looks like: lush with colour, a sprawling alien world to explore, and a main character with blue hair and a long cat's tail. If anything, it looks better than the hand-animated sequence that came before it.