Hello everybody! No need to introduce myself anymore. [b]Changelog[/b]: [list] [*] Enemy army info added to combat prep: [list] [*] By default, you'll get vague details. [*] With the military specialist, you'll see squadron details and unit numbers. [*] Full squadron breakdowns and the enemy’s next-round picks are now available with additional upgrades. [/list] [*] New upgrade for the military specialist: a military tactics book that lets you view enemy army details before the fight begins. [*] Dead squadrons are no longer marked as available for deployment (some lingering bugs may still occur). [*] Improved enemy AI: it now deploys squadrons more aggressively. [*] Smarter squadrons: they’re better at detecting high-priority threats while chasing targets. [*] Smoother first strikes between squadrons (we’re planning to add a charge mechanic for infantry soon). [*] Squadron retreat mechanics: when squadrons leave the battlefield, they’ll try to return to the center. If they fail, they’ll be considered as having fled and will be removed from combat. [*] Unconscious units in the army window now change color in both list and card views. [*] Faction starting funds reduced by 3x. [*] Region state and unit health now save properly when you leave and return to a biome. [/list] [b]Known issues[/b]: [list] [*] Archers don’t switch to melee when in danger. [*] Cavalry is still buggy and requires a complete rework. [*] Entity text glitches when asking about objectives after completing one. [*] Event characters sometimes fail to appear. [*] Artillery deals too much damage, and units hit fall forward without death animations. [*] Shops in events don’t save, so they change every time you load a save (same with generated armies). [/list] That’s all for today’s patch! [b]Thanks for playing Holy Grain![/b] [i]This update will reset the progress of your active run.[/i]