Hello, another update for the game, to make it even more enjoyable for you to play :) [list][h3]List of changes:[/h3] [*] Flowers appeared on level 2 [*] Fog and light were changed on level 2 [*] Location was changed, some holes in textures were removed [*] A little optimization [*] Added a splash screen [/list] Thanks for the feedback, I'm waiting for more, maybe some ideas :) Дякую за фідбеки, чекаю ще, можете й ідеї :) Don't forget for mine [url=https://x.com/darklightstudi2]Twitter(X)[/url] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45193658/e39b1444f8e75121665339b2cd526ee47ed7e9c5.png[/img]