1- We added some troublemaker units, which are faster but weaker ones that may make some parts of the game more enjoyable. 2- We fixed some minor bugs. 3- We added some new enemies. 4- We improved the Heroes section with some more random items and alternatives. The Heroes section is now much more malleable. 5- We solved the small issue of the exit from the Sandbox games, sending the user to the Levels section’s Main Menu rather than the game’s own Main Menu. 6- We improved the Battle Royale game with some new units and elements. 7- We brought some challenges in the Upkeeping costing of Tower units. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45010335/f6c989838b15494a1fd7c0cfbcf86f07babfa9ee.png[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45010335/f0de9744efce11c73cbf8748114a071368f81b8c.png[/img]