
Hello. Helldivers 2 gots a rather beefy new patch yesterday, and now people can't seem to stop finding ways to accidentally defeat themselves in battle. What's to blame for this sudden rise in rather hilarious mistakes? Well, a change to how bullet ricochets work seems to be drawing the majority of the ire.

Yup, while there's some of the usual unhappiness about the nerfs that came as part of the patch's array of balancing changes to weapons, which were admittedly outnumbered - or at least equaled - by the amount of buffs on offer, the big backlash this time is related to what bullets do after they leave your gun. That being, in a lot of these recent cases, casually pinging straight back into the body of the helldiver that fired them.

So, as a bit of context, one of the changes Patch 01.000.300 enacted is this: "Shots that ricochet from heavy armored enemies will now properly hit the Helldiver who fired them." The idea behind looks just to be focing folks to be a bit more disciplined with their fire, since they'll now be at risk of the consequnces.

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