
While Helldivers 2's latest Major Order is proving a bit of a tough one, especially compared to some of the other stuff that the forces of Super Earth have been tasked with recently, folks are still finding ways to keep their sprits up. In a couple of cases the soultion to boosting morale looks to have been a simple one - try some Factory Strider parkour.

Yup, forget about trying to convince all of your casual pals that they need to pitch in and help out with defense of a bunch of planets, the clever - if as risky as you'd expect - tactic of landing on the big Automaton not quite-AT-ATs looks to getting more and more popular. To be fair, it looks a bit more fun than pummeling these tough foes with artillery from ground level.

A couple of different players have shared clips of them essentially goofing off atop Factory Striders to the game's subreddit recently, but the one I think really shows the potential of Factory Strider parkour as something that could be included as an event if the Terminids can ever be held off long enough to organise some kind of Helldiver Olympics comes from user CrzyDonkey.

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