
Helldivers 2 is back at it again with another Major Order about keeping a bunch of planets under control, with the Terminds as the foe this time. However, don't worry if you're hoping Arrowhead will throw some more interesting wrinkles into the Galactic War, as it sounds like Game Master Joel might be getting some new tools soon.

Aside from that bit of nice child saving and some tree climbing it's been in bit quiet for Super Earth on the war from since the Meridia black hole became a thing. Thankfully, reading the tea leaves, it seems like folks could soon get the pick-up in action they crave.

First, this latest Major Order tasks players with establishing control of five planets - Erson Sands, Acamar IV, Pandion XXIV, Phact Bay, and Bore Rock - by the time it it expires. Why? Well, as Arrowhead community manager Baskinator explains, even though the Automatons have been temporarily pacified, the bugs' "hunger to infest and consume new worlds is as endless as their Tyranny".

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