
If you’ve been putting off jumping back into Helldivers 2’s bombastic firefights for control of certain planets because you’re worried about being blasted into smithereens by a gang of heavily-armoured foes, then I have good news for you - a hotfix should be coming soon that’ll make your helldiving life a bit less difficult.

Yep, don’t worry, following the array of complaints that’ve been lodged on Reddit and Discord - some in more constructive fashion than others - following the the arrival of the game’s highly controversial first batch of balancing changes, a fix does look to be in the works. So, hopefully once it’s here there should be less instances of folks being suddenly ambushed by seemingly-indestructible automatons.

The coming changes that Arrowhead looks to be planning to deploy soon to help make heavy enemies a bit less of an impossible obstacle to overcome have been outlined in a post on Helldivers 2’s Discord server from community manager Spitz.

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