
Some Helldivers 2 Major Orders are harder than others. Kill something like two billion bugs? Easy. Co-ordinate the defense of 10 planets in one go? Not so easy. Unfotunately, the latter's the latest mission folks have been given, and getting everyone to stick to a plan has proven a step too far for the community, even if it does sound like Arrowhead's doing what it can to help the hardcores who're determined to play armchair General.

Yup, even though they're fresh off a maths-inducing bout of Terminid destruction and now have armour sets that definitely should boast the intended passives, the myriad whims of the average video game player are now standing in the way of Super Earth victory. And there's nothing you can really do about it.

While the game's community has, as of writing, managed to defend of four of the ten planets involved in this latest chapter of the Galactic War, there's been a bunch of arguing going on when it's come to devising with the ideal strategy to keep these worlds safe and, more importantly, getting enough players to buy into it.

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