Public Testing for Update 15.3 | Now Live!
Author: G_Medlin,
published 3 months ago,
Hello everyone,
Public Testing for Update 15.3 is available! We'd love to get your feedback. This PTE runs through the weekend, coming to a close on Monday 16 September.
[h3]PHL Map Rotation[/h3]
[*] Warfare - Overcast / Rain - Dynamic Rain
[*] Offensive (German) - Overcast / Rain - Dynamic Rain
[*] Warfare - Night - Rain / Thunderstorms
[h3]Purple Heart Lane - Map Refresh[/h3]
Last year, we asked you what map you’d like to see refreshed. After casting your votes, the majority of you decided the map to receive a refresh treatment was Purple Heart Lane.
After analysing the map and sifting through player reports regarding its most frustrating parts, we have addressed the following issues on a wider map scale:
[*] Insufficient river crossings
[*] Unclear where water can/cannot be crossed
[*] Inconsistent drowning in fields
[*] Lack of cover in and around certain hard caps
The purpose of this refresh was not to take anything away from the legacy map, but to enhance and refine what already exists to respect the tone. Based on community feedback, we have made the following adjustments to the following Capture Points:
Please note the below screenshots are from in engine and not representative of the actual lighting conditions, some images have been added to the bottom of this brief to show you some of the lighting conditions
[h3]Bloody Bend[/h3]
[*] Made some terrain tweaks to reduce drowning in the fields unless prone
[*] Added cover points
[*] Added an extra non-enterable barn for cover
[h3]Dead Man’s Corner[/h3]
[*] Replaced a non-enterable building with an enterable version of the same size, to provide elevation opportunities, as well as an additional quicker route through the backyards
[*] Opened up the wall network to allow an additional infiltration point around the compound
[*] Additional cover
[*] Added routes in and over the wall
[h3]Forward Battery[/h3]
[*] Extended the hedgerows to meet up with the rest of the landscape
[*] Added additional side bocage hedgerows to provide cover opportunities for players wading through the water channel
[*] Added foliage
[*] Added cover in the flooded field on the flank
[h3]Jourdan Canal[/h3]
[*] Adjusted terrain levels to reduce drowning
[*] Added cattle ring cover for players wading through the fields
[*] The player can now walk underneath the footbridge at full height without drowning
[*] The player will drown if they attempt to crouch, this can be prevented by standing up
[*] Added a pontoon bridge crossing point
[*] Added immediate cover for players as they cross the bridge
[*] Adjusted reed foliage around the bridge
[*] Added a tree line of sight blocker
[h3]Douve Bridge[/h3]
[*] Created additional dock walkways to get to the other side of the river
[*] Added cover points along this route
[*] Made some tweaks to the landscape to make less of it submerged deep in water
[*] Added a little bit of storytelling with destroyed vehicles and artillery scorch marks
[*] In keeping with the dock theme an additional small dock en-route to the bridge with cover has been added
[h3]Douve River Battery[/h3]
[*] The water can now be crossed at specific points both on foot and in a vehicle, this will be highlighted both in the environment and on the tactical map
[h3]Groult Pillbox[/h3]
[*] Made terrain changes so that the deep water is broken up by the land
[*] Created additional cover
[*] Created additional foliage
[*] Added a pontoon bridge river crossing
[h3]Carentan Causeway[/h3]
[*] Added a trench network in close proximity to the exit of the existing trench network
[*] Added a non-enterable shed building
[*] Terrain pass
[*] Foliage pass
[*] Made terrain changes
[*] Created additional cover
[*] Created additional foliage
[*] Additional cover in the flooded fields
[*] Embankments on the approach for prone cover
[*] Additional storytelling
[h3]Flak Position[/h3]
[*] Made terrain changes
[*] Created additional foliage & cover
[*] Additional storytelling
[h3]Madeleine Farm[/h3]
[*] Made terrain changes
[*] Made the dirt road more prominent at ground level
[*] Replaced the wall to open up the additional road loop
[*] Adjusted road splines to link up the off road back to the main road
[*] Built on top of the existing field with additional storytelling and cover
[h3]Madeleine Bridge[/h3]
[*] Updated the rubble affordance position to make it clearer that the player cannot get underneath the arch
[*] Adjusted the terrain in the centre of the bridge to allow the player to move underneath the central arch
[*] Allows the player to fully cross the river at this section, and keeps it in line with the rest of the canal
[*] Created an additional trench network in the field
[h3]Aid Station[/h3]
[*] Terrain pass
[*] Cover pass in the hard cap
[*] Foliage pass in the hard cap
[h3]Ingouf Crossroads[/h3]
[*] Added a farm compound
[*] Terrain pass on height, blending and painting
[*] Additional foliage created
[h3]Road to Carentan[/h3]
[*] Terrain pass
[*] Foliage pass
[*] Created additional cover
[h3]Cabbage Patch[/h3]
[*] No changes
[h3]Beauty Renders[/h3]
[h3]Work In Progress[/h3]
These PTE sessions are a way for you as a community to feedback on Hell Let Loose work in progress, which means we can look to implement your feedback before a patch or update is released. Although we can currently only hold public testing sessions on Steam, we encourage everyone to take part to be able to share feedback.
[h3]Known Issues[/h3]
For today’s session, there is a list of unfinished items/bugs that we’re aware of, including:
[*] [PHL] H1 Red car has low detail from a short distance
[*] [PHL] F2 F10 Raining inside a couple of houses
[*] [PHL] F4 There is some z-fighting present on the brick floor along the docks.
[*] [PHL] F2 Fog clouds appear inside the first and second floor of the house
[h3]Streaming & Recording PTE Sessions[/h3]
You are welcome to both stream and record PTE footage, but as these sessions are showing unfinished work, it’s always good to let your individual communities know that the footage is from a PTE session, where you might encounter unfinished items, bugs and other issues.
[h3]Feedback Questions
Once you have completed a game and are ready to provide feedback, please use the forms below!
[h3]How to Take Part[/h3]
Check your Steam Library for the Hell Let Loose (Public Testing) application, or re-download it from the Steam store, you’ll want to boot this version up to take part in the PTE!
Once you’re in and have selected a server, you’ll be able to test out the new game mode!
[b]Submit Feedback:[/b]
[b]Share Bug Reports:[/b]
Please note:
Because PTEs are run on development servers that have logging activated, you will experience a slight decrease in performance. You will also not earn any XP and your progress will not be carried over to the live game.