Hey everyone, The Patch 14.3 PTE Session is now live! Join us today for your opportunity to try out improvements to the British weapons and explore using the Practice Range, from now until Monday. [h2]Finding a Server[/h2] For this session, you may need to refresh the server list on the Enlist screen in order for a server to show, or alternatively, toggle through the Favourites, Friends, and History tabs. [h2]Additional Content Hub[/h2] As our additional content hub will be offline for this PTE, we thought we'd share a look at what you can expect when Patch 14.3 goes live! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39919409/a6f78212961a6a8c25cbdc022bbb6ea7b14f0fb2.png[/img] [i]Additional Content Screen[/i] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//39919409/86fb805df67087efa96204d8a4e65258faebc726.png[/img] [i]Available for Purchase Screen[/i] [h2]Your Feedback for Patch 14.3[/h2] As a reminder, this PTE session aims to test some changes and gain your feedback for the next game patch, Patch 14.3, including: 1). Your experience navigating the Basic Training environment 2). Your experience with using the different areas of the Practice Range 3). The accuracy improvements to some of the British weapons 4). Panther reload speed 5). Your experience using an Ultrawide monitor 6). Your experience with micro-stuttering [h2]How to Share Your Feedback[/h2] Share your feedback using this form: https://forms.office.com/e/QBscd5bvVT For any bugs that crop up, you can report them here: https://forms.office.com/e/qT2mx5GhvR [h2]Squad Up Sunday[/h2] Drop by the PTE on Sunday from 3pm BST and play live with members of the team and some of our wonderful War Correspondents as we stress-test Patch 14.3! We look forward to seeing you in this session! [h2]Developer Briefings: What's upcoming?[/h2] Next week, we'll be rounding up everything we've talked about during the AMA and Dev Interview, as well as taking a look at your feedback from this session, in Developer Briefing #194. In Developer Briefing #195, we'll be going into detail on the updated character model heads that will be arriving with Patch 14.3 that you can see a sneak peek of in this weekend's PTE session!