Community Event: Mission Minefield
Author: Larkin,
published 8 months ago,
[i]"We built a f***ing minefield in Hell Let Loose" - SoulSniper, 2024[/i]
Created by our War Correspondent SoulSniper, Mission Minefield will transform an innocent wheatfield into a truly terrifying and explosive minefield.
On May 25th from 8pm EST - 10pm EST squads will compete against each other in Mission Minefield, to see which squad can get the most soldiers through to the other side in one piece.
Squad Leaders will have to navigate the minefield without knowing where the mines are, and use move markers on the map to direct each member like pawns on a board game - what could go wrong?
[b]Sign up to participate here:[/b] *
Check out the event preview video here: [previewyoutube=X7QCwmY1EwM;full][/previewyoutube]
And may the best squad win.
*[i]please note this link will require you to sign up via Discord[/i]