The Yappening
Author: misplacedyank,
published 4 years ago,
Yapyap THE DESTROYER has once again taken over and brought his own playlist to [i]Halo: The Master Chief Collection[/i]. Participate in Yapyap's challenges to unlock and earn event-exclusive nameplates!
[h3][b]Yapyap The DESTROYER nameplate[/b]:[/h3]
How to earn the Yapyap the DESTROYER nameplate:
[list][*][b]Complete[/b] 7 matches in the Yappening game category[/list]
[h3][b]Shut Your Yap nameplate[/b]:[/h3]
How to earn the Shut Your Yap nameplate:
[list][*]Defeat [b]150 Grunts[/b] with headshots throughout MCC while online (Campaign, Firefight, or Custom Firefight - all count!)
Please note: The nameplates will be manually granted periodically throughout the event with the final grant occurring no later than 6/12/2020.