
The world of Half-Life is typically quite somber. Particularly in Half-Life 2, after the invasion of the Combine, there's an air of desperation and bleakness. Gordon Freeman, Alyx Vance, G-Man - these iconic characters inhabit a world on the brink of collapse, a quasi-Soviet City 17 full of abandoned houses and festering sewer pipes. So imagine a totally different version of the Valve FPS game, with rock music, swords, dual wielding, and Gordon Freeman with his shirt off. Imagine Half-Life - the characters, the weapons, the enemies, even the dialogue - but with all the mechanics and style of Capcom's Devil May Cry 5. And imagine you could play it right now. Welcome to Devil May Crowbar.

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Half-Life smashes Steam world record, showing Valve we all still care
Half-Life novel is 600 pages long and coming soon
Weird Half-Life secret shows Gordon Freeman can actually talk, kind of