Hi carants, We've deployed a small patch which brings some fixes and improvements to the game. Here's the complete changelog. [h2]Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] In borderless windowed mode, the mouse cursor is now constrained to the window [*] The camera effect setting is now disabled by default to prevent motion sickness [*] In combat, hovering over companions portraits will change the cursor’s appearance when you target an ally [*] When hidden, combat log is now the correct size [*] Removed gear types in description (light, medium, heavy) [*] Added localization [*] Increased Sulfur loot rate [*] Improved the targeting of apes in combat [*] The ‘hold button’ interaction with NPC doesn’t need to be held anymore, except to intereact with the companions [*] Added new bald choice for Character Creation [*] Improved lizards animation [*] Apes will now descend from the trees once all the other apes on the ground are defeated [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue where the characters would slide when casting a spell which requires a line of sight without the line of sight [*] Fixed scrolling on long notes in Codex [*] Fixed an issue where the tutorial window would close while using the wrong input [*] Fixed an issue where NPC would spin around for no reason [*] Fixed the jittering of hair and clothes [*] Fixed some dialogues in cinematics [*] Fixed an issue where a boss would spawn on top of players [*] Fixed the desynchronization of chest and arms during dialogues [*] Fixed an issue where the lower part of the mouth would not move when speaking [*] Fixed an issue where holes would appear in the clothes [*] Fixed an issue where miners didn’t have pickaxes in their hands or sweeping NPC were not displayed properly [*] Fixed an issue where the player’s eyebrows didn’t change colour properly [*] Fixed the companions being inactive in Autonomous Party mode [*] Fixed an issue where the close button on tutorial windows was not displayed properly [*] Fixed the Lantern skill which now works as intended and has the right icon [*] Fixed a blocking issue that could happen in the quest “Find the gold scales” [*] Fixed the Depth of Field ratio during dialogues [*] Fixed an issue where the main character didn’t auto-attack while they aren’t controlled in Autonomous Party mode [*] Fixed an issue where the loot was missing from a chest in Teer Fradee [*] Fixed an issue where the traps would reappear after fast travel or loading a save [/list] Happy gaming! [i][b]Follow @greedfall and join the discussion:[/b][/i] [url=https://discord.gg/Zv8K4AsMQ8 style=button]DISCORD[/url] [url=https://x.com/greedfall style=button]X[/url] [url=https://www.facebook.com/greedfall style=button]FACEBOOK[/url] [url=https://https//www.instagram.com/greedfallgame style=button]INSTAGRAM[/url] [url=https://www.reddit.com/r/greedfall/ style=button]REDDIT[/url]