On February 26, we came across an urgent security issue while monitoring the community threads. We began an emergency diagnostic to find out any security vulnerability in our system, and we found out that players could log into other player’s account in certain circumstances. This specific situation can occur only when a player knows the login information of a Steam account that plays GrandChase. This player can then log into the game with the other GrandChase account as if it was the player’s own account. There was no leakage of account information on GrandChase account nor Steam account, but players could log into the same GrandChase account with different Steam accounts, making it susceptible to exploits. After finding this issue, we immediately worked to fix the security vulnerability. We reconfigured and tested the fix to confirm that it solved the problem, and applied the fix during the emergency maintenance. After the maintenance, we double-checked that the security issue was fixed, and confirmed yet again that no account info was leaked. We sincerely apologize to every player for the security invulnerability, and especially to players who were directly affected by this issue. Although some players have already reported similar cases of vulnerability, at the time, we believed that they were leaks caused by the account holder. We apologize for being so slow to respond to this issue. We will make sure to put more effort into our security to prevent any recurrences, and will also enhance the process of monitoring the community. This will ensure that this kind of problem occurs less frequently and similar issues will get resolved quickly. We will recover and compensate every player affected by this issue. For any related inquiries, we will provide 1:1 customer service to fix as much damage as we can. We will provide limitless support until the damage caused by this issue is completely restored. Again, we would like to deeply apologize for the inconvenience that we have caused you. Please do not be alarmed as this issue was not an account info leak case and we will make sure this never occurs in the future. We will strive to do our best to provide you with the best service. Thank you.